003 ୭̥⋆*。smiley

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Tacenda: (n.) things better left unsaid; matters to be passed over in silence. ⤾·˚ ༘

There she was standing in-front of her boyfriend, he was all beat up standing with a bunch of other guys including his twin brother "why didn't you tell me smiley?" She asked breaking the silence.

Now you may ask how we got here? Or girl wtf is going on. Well don't rush me bitch imma tell you hold on.

Smiley never told y/n about what he did because to him there were some things that were better left unsaid.

Y/n was walking down the street to a ramen shop she was meeting her best friend at when something caught her eye. Now y'all know when black people see some fucked up shit we run? But no what she saw was her boyfriend beating the shit out of her ex boyfriend.

She didn't care that he was getting beat up because of his cheating, manipulating and mental abuse but damn it just didn't sit right.

She paused and slowly walked over hiding behind the wall. "See this is where lying gets you Joey" one of the gang members said.

She looked close leaning her head closer than she already was. 'They were wearing matching jackets'? 'Maybe he's in a marching band' she thought before letting out a small chuckle.

Smiley stood there in the front beside angry with a big smile. She wanted to smack that smile off of his face. They felt mad, angry and confused at the same time.

She wondered why he didn't tell her or if he didn't trust her.

Suddenly y/n heard her friend calling her name from behind the brick wall "hey y/n what are you doing over there bruh!" She yelled loudly.

Y/n gasped and quickly turned around trying to shh her friend when she heard "huh? Y/n?" The confused voice of smiley rung in her head. "Fuck" she said in defeat before turning around and coming away from behind the wall.

Back to present time hoes.

There she was standing in-front of her boyfriend, he was all beat up (not that bad y'all 🪦) standing with a bunch of other guys including his twin brother "why didn't you tell me smiley?" She asked breaking the silence.

He stood there looking at her. Remembering when she told him about losing her brother to gang violence and that he was the only thing she had since her mom wasn't very understanding or even interested in her feelings.

"Y/n go home" draken said from behind smiley. He was the only guy there that she knew besides smiley.

"You don't tell me what the fuck to do ken" she said with power and anger in her voice. "Y/n please listen to him and go home" smiley said, the smile he had was completely gone he was trying to keep his cool.

"Oh hunny I'll go home when you explain to me why the hell you ain't tell me about this" she said tapping her foot with her arms crossed. (PLEASE TELL YALL DO THIS TO)

He sighed looking back at the guys signaling them to give him a minute. The shorter blonde with a bob nodded his head at him.

Now he was directly in front of you looking into your eyes "talk nigga you had all the time in the world to tell me. Now speak" she said clenching her teeth.

"Listen I kept it a secret because I didn't want you getting caught up in all of this and because of your past I-"

"Do you not trust me" she said blinking, keeping her composure. He shook his head "it's not that I just didn't want to cause you more stress than you're already dealing with n/n".

She sighed nodding her head and pulling him into a tight hug griping his waist tightly out of anger and understanding "y/n...y/n I'm dying..." he said in a dry voice.

She smiled loosening her grip on his waist before he melted into the hug giving her a small kiss on the head. "I'm sorry shawty bae" he added with a dramatic sigh.

"See you just had to ruin the moment yo dumbass" she yelled smacking him in the head and hear slight chuckles coming from the group of middle schoolers.

He smiled at her then his smile faded looking at the passed out male behind her.

"Oh damn hold on baby let me take care of that real quick" he said before walking back over to the bloody male.


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