002 ೃ࿔₊mikey

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meraki [may-rah-kee] (adjective) This is a word that modern Greeks often use to describe doing something with soul, creativity, or love -- when you put "something of yourself" into what you're doing, whatever it may be. °࿐

"So you're telling me you hand out ass whoopins for fun?" Y/n said a bit confused. She was sitting beside Mikey on the park bench, he had his arm wrapped around her shoulder as they watched the sea. " I mean yeah but ya know there's more to it than that but it's something like that" he said with a small smile.

Mikey liked being alone most of the time but when it came to her he wanted to be alone together with her. It never made since but he stuck to those words.

"Hm..." she said humming in response. "Tell me n/n" he said side eyeing her, she looked at him pretending to be confused as she squinted her eyes "what ya talkin about..." she said sounding a little suspicious "I know when you're thinking about something you really wanna ask but you don't because you think it's gonna bother me".

She paused and grunted looking away "I hate how observant you are bruh". Mikey let out a low chuckle she then looked back at him "what if I wanted to join? Would you let me?" She said mumbling the last part.

Mikey sat there looking at the water 'why this question out of all the questions why this one' he thought to himself and then letting out a sigh.

He looked at her taking in all her features. Their plump lips, beautiful brown skin glowing as the sun hit it (okay purr sun kissed 😩), her puffy hair blowing slightly as the wind hit it.

"No" he said in a nonchalant manner. He would never want to see her hurt, Never wanted to see a bruise on her face he couldn't bring him self to let her in the gang shit he ain't even let her walk alone at this point.

"Why?" She said softly then looking back into mikeys eyes. "I love you" he said not even looking away from her gaze "so much to the point where I would give my life for you" it sounded cheesy but at the moment he didn't care.

She smiled leaning back onto his shoulder "I love you to...that was so cheesy" she said laughing "shut up" he said smiling a little more.

Deep down he knew someday he would let her slip right threw his fingers but for now, for now he'd hold on to her for a little longer.

(This was cheesy but laugh out loud)

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