006 *。𖤐 kisaki

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"Love and hate is a strong thing but deeznuts are stronger"。𖤐

You walked silently into your home the lights were all off and your mom was on a business trip so you didn't really expect anyone to be here. I had snuck out to see my friends.

You walked in closing the door and flipping the light switch on and sighing while taking off your shoes at the door. "Where have you been y/n" kisaki said making you jump and turn around.

"Nigga how the hell did you get in my house and why you sitting in that chair like you about to murder me" you questioned. "Maybe I am" he said smirking.

"Wha-" he interrupted "where have you been and why didn't you call me and tell me I was worried sick" he mumble the last part.

"First of all you ain't my daddy and second because we aren't together anymore, now if you have a problem with what the fuck I'm doing you can get out because last time I checked I don't complain about you running around with yo little friends kisaki" she snapped back while crossing her arms and looking at him up and down.

"well damn" he says chuckle "I didn't expect that" you hated him and loved him in equal measure.

"Get out of my house kisaki you and me were a one time thing...we were fools in love" you sighed walking past the chair her was sitting lazily in and went the the kitchen when you felt a presence behind you so you quickly turned around to be standing right in front of the ruthless male.

"What do you mean by "were" n/n" he says staring into your eyes "I still love you and I know damn well you still love me...we didn't break up on bad terms" he reminded you.

"I know but you're fucking crazy" you mumbled looking into his eyes trying to keep up with what he was saying.

"We're both crazy don't lie n/n you still love me" you did and he was right you guys didn't break up on bad terms he just was busy and didn't make time for you.

"Yeah I do but ki-" again he interrupted "you love me and I love you I don't want to lose you come on y/n" he kept up that lil badass attitude but you knew he was begging.

You nodded and rolled your eyes at that small smirk he had on his face and pushed him enough to let yourself walk by.

"Come on let's watch a movie zebra head ass" you laughed covering your mouth.

"Fuck you" he said groaning loudly.

You guys broke up like 7 times you Mfs were crazy as hell for each other and you both knew that it wasn't a "one time thing".

(This is short but yeah)

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