•Veteran Ruins the PlayCap Wedding•

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Okay, I had to, it had to be done.

VeteranNotFound and uh- IDK- PLAYER LOL-

Look, it had to be done for the sake of.. comedy, yes. Comedy, just- stick with that lol-

Let's goo!


TheGentleMan: Before we continue, is there anyone in this hall right now that had any reason why these two should not be wed?


TheGentleMan: Okay, and now through the power invested in me by this church and minecraft skin.. I pronounce you two partners in marri-

Veteran, hitting Captain: I OBJECT!!

Player: WHAT?!

Captain: WHY?!

TheGentleMan: You missed the objection bit, we did that.

Veteran: Oh, I OBJECT ANYWAY! *slaps TheGentleMan*

TheGentleMan: Oh s*** please don't hit me!

Everyone: *Laughing*

Veteran: Player-

Player: WHY?!

Veteran: Get away from him! Off the stage.. *Pushes Player off the church stage*

Player: Why?!

Veteran: Take this uhh.. Chicken!

Everyone: *Laughing*

Player: Why??

Veteran, dragging Player: 'Round here Player! B-back in here..

TheGentleMan: You're making a mockery of my minecraft church-

Player, after getting kissed by Veteran: Veteran why? No, no no no.

Veteran: That's what I- That's what I just had to do!

Player: What? Kiss me?!

Mr. Cheese: WHAT?!

Captain: W-WHY?!

TheGentleMan: He's a mockery to the wedding!

Captain: VETERAN!-

Mr. Cheese: I'll take care of him!

Player: Why??

Alan/Player's Father: You will not ruin my baby's wedding!

Mr. Egg: Did you pull away when he kissed you?

Veteran, smirking: He didn't.

Captain: Player, what you- why??

*Player left the Server*

Everyone: *GASPS*



LMFAO- This was so much fun lololol- I loved this- This fits them too well, too well. Anyways, hoped you enjoy this small shenanigan xD

• 282 words
- Raven

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