Rising Sun (Scrapped AU)

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TW: Mentions of wounds and scars, implied past battles

CW: Fantasy AU, roles and personalities might be different

Ship Warning(SW): Jailey, Stuke

Info: This is an AU i made months ago, I also wrote this months ago with intentions of making an actual book for this. Unfortunately stuff changed and I'm no longer happy with the AU, so have this prolouge. Hope you enjoy the read :)


A blond hisses at the bright light when he pries his eyes open, he doesn't remember anything


It was too bright...

The same blond sits up and rubs his eyes, he looks around and he seems to be in a room filled with viles, machinery, and a bunch of random objects

"Goodmorning!" The blond jumps a bit, he turns to find a brunet sitting down holding a bunch of papers. Next to him was a girl with dark blue hair, fiddling a quill between her fingers

The blond spoke "U-uh." "Oh! Apologies, I should introduce myself" The brunet says, he stands up and places the papers on a table. The girl remains sitting

"Greetings, I'm Luke. The royal alchemist of the beloved kingdom of Armonía, you're here in my lab because me and my partner; Stacy, found you unconscious in the forest" The brunet explained, the blond nodded to gesture that he understood Luke

Luke sits down next to the blond "May I know what your name is?" he asked, the blond looks at his hands. There seems to be a smudged image of a sun and what seems to be a 'J' in cursive

"I... don't know... I... don't remember..." the blond states, Luke clicks his tongue and spoke "I see, may I see your hand?" the brunet extends his hand, the blond hesitantly lends his hand over to Luke

The alchemist stares at the smudged marking on the blond's arm, Luke turns to the closest table and takes a vile. The blond flinches "Don't worry, it's just water." the brunet reassures

Luke pours a few drops on the markings, it makes a noise as if water landed on hot coal and the blond pulls his hand back, hissing in pain "Did that hurt?" the brunet asked, the other responded with a nod

The brunet stares at the vile, he lifts it to his mouth and drinks it "Yeah no, this is water.." Luke says, he makes a noise and spoke "Sorry about that, didn't know you burn from water"

"You can just sit there for a bit. Sweetie, can you go call the princess?" Luke says, turning to the girl who was just sitting there the whole time. Stacy nodded and stood up, she puts the quill on a table and walks out of the room

The blond stares at his hand, there was a small burn mark. Luke walked towards a different area, he tinkers with a bit of the potions

"Okay" Luke starts, he walks back to the blond holding a different vile. This time it was a green color instead of just water, the other slightly flinches "Don't worry, this won't hurt you"

The brunet takes the other's hand again, he pours a bit of the green liquid onto the burn from the water. It didn't hurt this time, and it actually healed the small hurn. The blond smiled "Thank you"

Luke spoke "It's no problem, I've actually tried this on your other scars a while ago when you we're still unconscious. It didn't do much" The blond tilts his head "My.. other scars?"

"Ah, did you not know about the scars?" the brunet asked, the blond shook his head. Luke reaches into his pocket and pulls out a compact mirror, he opens it and points it to the blonds face

Seems like there was a ton of scara on the blonds face, neck, and even his left arm. He looks at his face for a bit. Luke gestured the blond to take the mirror, which he obliged and picked up "Well, maybe the princess can do something about it"

Luke walks back towards where he took the vile from, the blond looked intensely in his right eye where the scars we're most covering. An image... of the sun? The blond's eyes widened, he remembers something.

"Je...Jett??" "Hm?" Luke turns to the blond, who was just staring intensely at the ground "My name... its... John- no- Jeek??" the blond snaps his fingers "Jake! My name is Jake!"

Luke's eyes lighten up and walks back towards Jake "Well, I'm glad I finally got your name Jake." "Yeah..." the door opens, there was Stacy again but this time with someone else

A girl wearing a rather fancy dress with a shiny crown placed neatly on her smoothly curled cyan-colored hair, she had enchanting jet black eyes and an obvious bright aura

"You're powerful..." Jake says, the princess gives a rather confused expression "You can sense that?" she asked, the blond nodded and asked "Who are you?"

The princess smiled and spoke "Hailey, Princess Hailey of the kingdom of Armonía. Its nice to make acquaintances with you" "I'm Jake, I just... remembered that" she hums and walked towards the blond and sits down next to her

"Do you remember what happened to you? What  made this happen?" She asked, putting a hand on Jake's cheek. The blonds face gets a bit red from the sudden touch and he spoke "I- No.. I don't-"

Hailey makes a small noise, she speaks "I hope this is alright" she softly pecks the blond's cheek. His face goes red from getting flustered and heavily confused, she frowns immediately after pulling away

"That's strange... nothing changed" the princess complained, Jake puts a hand on his cheek "W-what the heck was that for!?" "It's a thing I do, for healing... usually that heals almost everything..." Hailey explained

Jake was still confused, Luke tinkers a bit with the potions and spoke "Alright, lets try this one then... Hailey, catch!" he tosses over the vile, the princess turns "WAIT WHA-"

Hailey holds her hands out and flinches, worried that the vile would hit her face. However she didn't catch anything or get hit by anything, Jake already had catched the vile, his eyes glowing more than it already was

"Woah..." Hailey spoke, she squints her eyes and stares into Jake's eyes "... fascinating, I've never read about this before..." the princes mumbled, she pulled her hand out and put it up

Jake tilts his head "I'm going to check if you can summon a weapon, basic mages to demi-gods can summon one. So do as what I do" Hailey says, the blond just complies. She gets up from sitting next to Jake and gestures the blond to do so as well

Jake stands up and stood infront of Hailey, the princess takes a few steps back as not to hit Jake on accident. Hailey then spun her hand twice and quickly swung in the air downwards

A quick flash of light appears as she swung and she was now holding a beautiful golden hatchet with rhinestones and gems, Jake's eyes widen slighty and his mouth slightly open "Woah..." "Go ahead Jake, try"

The blond takes a deep breath and shuts his eyes. He spun his hand twice and he does the same motion as Hailey. He doesn't feel any thing in his grip, he opens his eyes and frowns

"Well that was anti-climatic. What wa-" Jake turns to face Hailey who was crouching, he looks up to where she was looking so horrified at and just saw 4 rapiers with a sun carved into the handle of each

Jake slowly raises his hands and the rapiers fly across the room to different corners, one hits right above Luke, another tipping over a book, another just hitting the wall, and another stabbed through a banner

Jake nervously chuckled, he then suddenly feels arms on his shoulder and he jumps. He turns to see Luke staring right at the princess and nonchalantly spoke

"... Hailey, I want to keep him"

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