Last Night's Kiss [Henriam]

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TW: The following contains mention of substance use(not really), vomiting, unresponsible drinking, foul language, and suggestive bits! Please do not continue if you are uncomfortable!

CW: Henriam Angst

Info: Keep in mind this takes place at college period! So the characters here are mostly of legal age in most countries. With all that said, this is a bit of a long read! so sit tight and grab some snacks, maybe play some music! Have a nice read :)


A phone ring broke through the silence in the quiet bedroom, a petite green-haired male frowned as he reached over to the bedside table to take his phone. The shine of the device blinded his lime-green eyes for a moment, before his eyes finally adjusted to the light screen


Henry grumbled and answered the call, not bothering to put on his usually teasing and cocky attitude on "Liam, what the heck dude it's like 2 in the goddamn morning. I was having a good time dreaming of lettuce I guess, I dont fuckin' remember..." he spoke towards the phone

"Heeenheeeeenn~!" Liam said from the other line, his voice was uncharacteristically slow and groggy sounding, this rubbed Henry the wrong way, he usually never talks like this "Liam, what are you on?" "Mmmm I dunnooo?? drugs??"

Henry sits up from his bed and frowns, he talks in a serious tone he never usually uses around anyone at all, being woken up abruptly, the green headed male didn't want to play this off as a joke "Liam, you better be joking, this isn't funny if you are." "I'm never joking around you heeeennnrrieeeheheheee" Liam responded, giggling near the end of his sentence

Henry hears muffled talking and the music started to get mildly quieter at the other line, the shorter one growls in disbelief "...Liam, where are you?" "uhmmm...hey- HEY!" what sounded like Liam's phone getting taken was heard from the other line

"Hello?" a different voice that the latter didn't recognize spoke, Henry furrows his eyebrows and asked "Who is this?" "Ah, hello sir, don't worry he's fine just... either drunk or high. I'm one of the janitors of this pub, are you a relative of his?" the worker asked

Henry sighs in relief that Liam wasn't harmed "I'm just bestfriend, how would he be high? Don't you guys have a policy against smoking or something?" the greenhaired one asked. the Janitor explained that Liam if was high, he might've smoked outside since they didn't ban people from doing it outside the place

Either that or he was just heavily drunk.

At some point during the night, a bunch of people come in and Liam was one of them, seemingly taken by the influence of the other rascals. Henry was confused, why would he even do this in the first place? Especially on a thursday night?

"Where is this? I'll pick him up I guess" Henry spoke, getting out of his bed to get ready to leave as the Janitor explained where the exact pub was. He felt a bit better that the pub wasn't that far from Liam's house, which would be good since Henry didn't exactly have a car to help him with the task of helping Liam get to his house. Fortunately for him, he didn't live that far away from him anyway, it was a duable walking distance.

The shorter one was living in the apartment his parents rented out for him near the college he and his friends go to, he didn't want to stay at the dorms because of the restrictions and Henry wanted to be able to go out at the night.

"Why did you do this Liam...?" Henry mumbled to himself, grabbing the keys to his home and effortlessly putting on a mint green jacket. He heads to the exit and promptly locks the door before making his way to the address


Henry opens the door to the empty pub to see Liam bothering the poor Janitor, the green haired boy sighed and walked inside "Liam? Stop bothering the poor guy" he blurts, the young man that was the Janitor seemingly sighs in relief when the petite boy entered the place. The dark haired one seemingly jumps up from his seat with the sight of his bestfriend

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