Prom [1]

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"Goodmorning everyone!" Miss Jones says, her soft voice barely cutting through the class chattering. The class noise slowly died down, Miss Jones sigh in relief

"So before we start today... I'm excited to announce that prom will be at the end of the week..!" Some of the students started cheering, Jake stops fiddling with his pen and looks up to his teachers announcement

Miss Jones claps her hand together and added "This year, the organisers decided that there's not specific theme! However... You will not be allowed in the venue without a partner! So you are required to have one..!" Jake grips onto his pen, thoughts about asking Daisy flood his thoughts

"Y-you can ask anyone out..! You can go as a couple or just as friends, and you aren't required to stay with your partner the whole time..!" The teacher then went on with voting for who to be prom king and queen, the events taking place and specifically the time. Prom officially starts at 9 pm in the evening

The day then went by, Jake stressing about how to ask Daisy. To the point he was called to answer a question for History and answered with a math equation, it didn't give him detention, but it did get him a few laughs from the fellow students

"So who are you planning on asking Liam?" Henry asked, the 4 we're now sitting at the cafeteria. Liam sighed "No one... I guess you" "Haha, not today Liam, I'm gonna ask Lia out" Henry boasts, the tallest chuckled and spoke "Oookay... "

Drew scoffs and speaks "What about you Jake? Are you planning on asking your girlfriend Hailey out?" Jake finishes his sandwich and frowns at his friend, he answered to the question "Shes not my girlfriend, and I'm planning on asking Daisy for your information"

"Woah? You're finally making a move? Shocking" Drew states, in a clearly sarcastic tone. Henry bursts into laugher and Liam mocks "About time, its been centuries" "Here I thought you'd wait until you've both turned into skeletons hahaha!" Henry says in between his laughter

Jake becomes flushed "You guys are the worst" Henry puts his head ontop his hands, leaning onto the cafeteria table "Awhh, we love you too Jakey~" he teased, Jake sighed and picked up his tray and stood up "I'm late to music club practice now, again, I'll see you idiots later."

"Like what Henry said, we know you love us" Liam says, Drew chuckled and leaned back onto his chair with crossed arms "Have fun with your freak friends" "Don't call them that" Jake says, then putting away his tray. He then walked towards the club room

He takes hold of the doorknob, he braces himself for the certain lecture from Hailey from being late and then opens the door "Lu- oh. it's you." Zander says, Jake raises an eyebrow and looks around. Luke was nowhere to be found "Uh, where is Luke?" Jake asked, walking into the room and closing the door behind him

"Thats what I'm wondering, I wanted to wait for him but he insisted I went on without him!" Zander complained, Hailey sighed "Speaking of, you're lucky you're not the only one late." She says, Jake chuckled "You know me, I lose track of time"

Milly hops off "Well... while we wait for Luke, who are you gonna ask to prom Jake-?" she says, smirking devilishly. Hailey raises an eyebrow, Sean closes his laptop "I'm... gonna ask Daisy" "Oooooh~!" "Oh? You are?" Sean says, Jakes face turns pink and chuckled "Yeah..."

"Huh, how about you Hailey? Do you have someone in mind?" Milly asked, turning her head towards the club president "Uh... I don't have anyone to ask... Sean do you have anyone with you?" "Well, I guess not. Do you wanna go together Hailey?" Sean asked

Hailey makes a noise "I suppose, well I guess Sean is my date now" "How about you Milly?" Jake asked, Milly chuckled "Oh, I'm not going" the club members look at the youngest "You're not!?" all of them say in unison, Milly jumps a bit "What? I don't have a date and I could be spending my time sleeping!"

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