Author's Note!

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Hellooo, I promise I'll be uploading more and stuff! Just going to be posting this for updates

Schools about to start! Which you might take as "oh, so you'll be busier then?" BUT NO- IT DOESNT MATTER- INFACT I GET MORE INSPIRED WHEN SCHOOLS AROUND, SO LOOK FORWARD TO SCHOOL ARC-

Anywho, I'm a bit of a block with this book oneshot wise! So until I try to figure stuff out, why not leave requests? PLEASE LEAVE REQUESTS I DUNNO WHAT TO DO IM BEGGING- /nf

That aside, I hope you're all enjoying the oneshot book! If its not a bother, it would be amazing if you guys checked out "My Demon Bestfriend"! Its a TMF AU book and I'm currently writing chapter 1! It would be nice if you guys checked it out! You don't have too-

That's all! Thank you for reading the book! And again, if you guys have any requests feel free to do so! (Also note if you want me to mention that you've requested it or not!)

See you all pastries later! Take care :>

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