Chapter 25

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We told the police about the situation. They came out almost instantly which was very uncommon these days. My mom was informed but she was told not to come, that they would take me to her after the scene had been investigated. After all, I knew it the best. I had been here for a grand total of 10 months. almost a full year. It felt like it had been far far longer than that. I showed the police where I was kept and everything in the house. The man who had kidnapped me had been a good member of the community, never would have been suspected of something like this. Sometimes the best appearing ones are actually the worst of them all. After all this I knew that phrase would stick with me forever. They started to pack up after they thought they had gathered sufficient evidence, but I had one more place to show them. Everyone, including my rescuer, followed me to the woods. The looks on their faces were indescribable. The disgust and remorse for not knowing they were missing and deep uncomforting feeling inside them showed across their faces one by one as they realized. The bodies smelled worse with everyday they laid to rot. The police called for backup. I walked across bodies to get to the freshest ones added to the pile. My feet wanted to slip out from under me with every step on top of the slimy corpses. I wandered over to the boy and the little girl, along with the other girl that had been brought. There bodies were starting to smell, but not near as bad as all the others. The police came over to me but avoided stepping on the bodies. I told them everything that had happened and how these people were important to me. They promised to give them a good funeral which I could attend to pay my respects. They also said every recognized body would be given a closed coffin funeral but they would not be able to do anything for the ones they couldn't seem to recognize. There's was so many bodies and many of the police were still in a great amount of shock. The horror was unbearable. After awhile, they had identified a few, but I was given permission to go home. I opened the door to my house, Alex followed me, but still gave me space. My mom looked at me with teary eyes, but still smiling. I took a deep breath, the familiar scent of lavender filled my nose and I savored it. I closed my eyes as my mom ran to hug me. We hugged for the longest time. I missed her so much, I missed everyone. My friends mother was notified, I was all over the news as well. I didn't want to be recognized, I wanted to forget. I didn't wanna have to tell my story over and over. I didn't wanna be interviewed as they wrote my experience down. It was always so hard for people to let go. So hard for them to realize other people wanted to let stuff go. Everyone gossips and talks and that's almost all there is. Some people don't even worry about their own lives, they care about other peoples, and that's all they care about. I just want to savor this moment, with my mom, with Alex, with the people who mean the most to me. I love them. I love my mom. I don't love the media. I was all about it, but now I realize how ridiculous is. Telling you about other people's personal lives.

•a few days later•

I have told only my mom about what happened. I have refused to tell anyone else until I feel ok talking about it. Me and Alex are dating, I'm going to therapy sessions twice a week. I attended their funerals and left flowers on their graves. They were great people, and they deserve to be alive like me. Sadly, life's unfair and that's not how it works. Maybe one day I will tell my story, but right now, I just want to cherish the life I have been given.

"No one wants to die. Even people who want to go to heaven don't want to die to get there. And yet death is the destination we all share. No one has ever escaped it. And that is as it should be, because Death is very likely the single best invention of Life. It is Life's change agent. It clears out the old to make way for the new."-Steve Jobs

~R.I.P grandpa~

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