Chapter 1

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I got up for school. I groaned as I Put my feet on the freezing floor.

"Jessica! Get up! This is the last time I'm gonna say it!" My mom yelled up the stairs.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm up."

I changed into skinny jeans and a black sweater. It was maroon and a dark blue color. I put on some grey vans on. I threw on some foundation and eyeliner before brushing my hair and straightening it. There was a honk that came from the front of the house. It was the bus, I rushed outside.

"Bye, mom."

"Bye sweetie!" She smiled as I walked out to the bus.

I put my earbuds in so I didn't have to deal with the noise on the bus. I'm in 8th grade, and it sucks. When I got to school I went to my locker and shoved everything in it. This day was going to go slow, I could tell.

First and second and third period went okay but all the rest was a blur. I was thinking and never paying attention. I didn't even know what homework I had for this night. This happens all the time, getting lost in my thoughts.

On the way home, my phone died. I didn't have music and everyone on the bus was loud. Especially the sixth graders. Laughing with their high pitched voices and looking around all the time.

"Dude, No, I seriously like him!" I heard one of them say, practically squealing.

I rolled my eyes and walked off the bus at my stop. I grabbed the mail and walked up the driveway, kicking the ground as I went. I threw my back pack on a chair and grabbed a protein bar. I weighed 128 pounds. Which was big for my age, so they said. People said I was skinny but I knew I wasn't. My stomach was flat but I was curvy and it sucked. I disliked my body, but that was normal.

I walked out the door and into town. I drug my feet along the sidewalk as I walked. The leaves under my feet crunched and swirled across the hot pavement. The town was small and old fashioned looking. The houses were run down and losing color. The house I went to knock on was a faded lemon yellow house. The paint was chipped and peeling and the porch carpet was old and rough. It smelled like what an old person would smell like. The rails weren't a black paint anymore, they were a rusty grey, with a tint of yellow. The door opened and a strong smell of mangos and vanilla filled my senses. Her mother always seemed to smell amazing. I looked up to see my friends mom standing there with her brown hair tightly curled. The bags under her eyes showed fatigue. She smiled faintly at me and asked kindly what I wanted.

"Is Annabeth home currently?"

"No, sorry, she will be in a few hours, she's at a soccer game."

"Okay, thank you." I smiled at her and stepped off the porch.

"So much for that." I mumbled to myself as I walked down the street, kicking the ground like I usually did.

I began walking to the small park close to her house to wait. The heat of the swing burnt my thighs when I sat on it. The faded playground was empty of any kids. I pulled out my phone and looked at instagram. I texted my friend and asked her when her game was over. I didn't expect her to answer but I texted her anyways. I always did that to any of my friends, just so they wouldn't completely forget about me. Seemed like that was easy to do.

Fifteen minutes later, I decided to take a short walk around town. I walked down Dalton street near the nicer side of town. There wasn't many people down here, even thought it was the nicest place. I began to walk towards the park area. I waved at a man who happened to be looking at me and smiling. I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around but didn't see anyone near me. I shook it off and kept walking. I soon forgot it ever even happened. Then, I continued hearing the footsteps, they got louder and sounded nearer. Fear started to fill my mind. I brushed it off, but walked a little faster.

Suddenly I felt arms wrap around me. I squirmed to get out of the persons grip. I tried with what seemed like every muscle in my body to get free from the tight grip of what felt like a man. There's no way this could even be a woman unless she was a body builder or something crazy. I felt a large knock on my head by a fist. Everything went black and all I felt was the pressure of being thrown.

(sorry this chapter was short)

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