Chapter 18

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It had felt like hours since I had gotten up from the corner I was huddled in, still not breathing. I felt as if I took a breath he would find me and kill me. I had heard his footsteps all over the house.

I felt my way around the small room I was in. I felt an oil lamp, it seemed like this was an older style tiny room. I pulled out my prized possession. I felt around the wire of my bra and pulled out a small piece of paper. Then I felt around the wire on the other side and pulled out two matchsticks. I ran the sticks over the paper and one lit. I lit the lamp quickly and the whole room lit up. There was like a whole other world in this small space. There was a small bed, a small bookshelf, and a small cabinet and dresser. It was all half the size of a regular size of furniture. It looked like it could fit someone up to sixteen years old, depending on how big they were. I smiled as I sat on the bed, still being careful to not make noise. This little room was on the ceiling boards. If I fell through, I was dead. Well injured, then dead. The bed was soft and comfortable. I laid fully down and before I knew it I was out. I am lucky in a silent sleeper, or else I would've been caught because of the noise I would've been making.

This day I decided that I would survive. I knew his schedule, I knew when he left and when he got back. As long as I was quiet while he was here, he shouldn't know where I am. He does know I'm in the house though, and in have to be careful what I do when he is gone. I can't take large amounts of things, because that will cause him to notice things are going missing. I woke up as I felt like I was falling. I had noticed I had fallen off the bed, fatal mistake. I stayed as still as I could after blowing the oil lamp out. I heard footsteps slowly walk into the room, but the closet door never opened. I heard the creaking as he sat on the bed. Crying, I heard crying. He was crying.

"Why did you do that, why did you kill me inside, why would you leave why just why just WHY?!" I heard muffled talking and screams and sobs.

What is he talking about? I wanted to get out and just ask him but I knew I would never be able to do that. I soon heard him get up and curse to himself then walk out of the clean, white bedroom.

I wondered why he would be crying so much. Was it because I was gone or something else. I mean the room looked like a little girls room, but a bit over decorated. I decided to dismiss it from my mind for now and think later. He was going to be leaving soon and I needed stuff. I heard a million footsteps then I heard clumping down the stairs. It sounded like he had a fancy, business casual type shoes on there was more of a click than boots or tennis shoes.

I heard the truck start, it was a diesel so it was pretty easy to hear. I heard the sound get distant and I opened the door to the hatch. I crawled out and looked out the window carefully, not exposing my whole face but just my eyes. The makeup on my face was smeared and greasy. I was a mess. I decided I needed to hurry in order to get everything I needed to get done done. I ran down the stairs into his kitchen and looked through the cabinets for things that looked like they hadn't been touched in awhile. I grabbed a few small food items the. I looked in a cabinet labeled 'keys', I grabbed one that said, cellar. I ran downstairs and unlocked the door to the basement. I hurriedly grabbed some under garments and hair things and a tube of lipgloss. I took a quick shower to get all the makeup off and then I threw my hair up in a bun.

For once I looked like my old self, just skinnier.

I looked in the mirror for a few seconds before grabbing the extra under garments and things I grabbed while I was down there. I decided to make a meal while I was down there too. I ate a ham sandwich and chips. I needed clothes. As of now I was walking around in my under garments. I ran up to his room, yes, his room. I grabbed a flannel shirt that was shoved into the corner of the closet. I put it on, it was big, but it would work. I'm sure he wouldn't notice it was gone, considering there was a cobweb over it. He had a bookshelf in his room and I couldn't help but look. They were all books about serial killers, famous murderers, and a photo album. I wanted to look I had time to look, but I didn't feel safe here, so I decided against it.

I went back into the room and opened the hatch under the clothes in the closet. I went in and put my things in the small dresser and my food in the small cabinet. I smiled as I laid down on the bed, I felt clean for the first time in forever. No makeup, no tight dresses, to small flats, no bows in my hair, no bows around my waist. Just a flannel shirt and under garments, my hair in a messy. In, and no makeup. I felt free, just within a small place.

I got up and decided to see what was on this bookshelf.

Fairy tale books, bedtime stories, and then one thing that interested me most, a diary.

A littles girls diary.

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