Chapter 12

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I gently pushed my hand against his chest.

"We shouldn't, not yet."

"You're right, I'm sorry."

He kissed me on the forehead and got off of me. He laid beside me and we stared into each others eyes for what seemed like a thousand years. I began to drift off to sleep. It was the most peaceful sleep i'd had in a week or more.

I opened my eyes, the bed was empty. He wasn't next to me, I began to panic. I soon remembered, he must be in the kitchen or in his bathroom. I didn't hear any noise though. That was strange. Usually you would hear dishes clanging or water running. There was no noise today. I sat up and took a look around the room. I stepped out of bed and walked to the bathroom. All of the lights were still off in all of the rooms.

I got ready quickly. I went into the kitchen and looked around, didn't see anyone. I had noticed his bedroom door was shut. I walked over to his bedroom door and knocked softly.


His voice was soft and week. I opened the door and walked in. He looked up at me from the ground and smiled.

"Whats wrong are you okay??"

"Yes lovely, I'm fine."

"What are you doing."

"I was sleeping in here, Ryan came in and noticed I wasn't in bed with you. I got in trouble. We don't get food this morning.. I'm sorry."

"Why didn't you just stay in bed with me?"

"It feels wrong love, I feel like you don't want this and I don't want to force you."

"Listen, just follow his rules okay. I don't mind."

I smiled gently at him and he gave a weak smile in return. I helped him off the floor and into the kitchen. We sat on the couch together for fifteen minutes before Ryan came downstairs.

The door unlatched and swung open.

"Hello, how are you all doing."

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