Chapter 24- part 1

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The sound echoed through the room and rang my ears. Though I was really used to loud sounds I flinched anyways, out of habit. I had a quick thought pass through my mind of what a coward I was and had been. The thought only lasted a split second before I heard the clanging of the knife falling to the tile floor. the metal clashed with the stone adding more to my already bad headache from the sound of gunshots. I felt my body being jerked off of the ground. Ryan made sure I was blind folded and taped, then I was thrown into a room. It was small, but enough space for two adults. I heard a key lock the door shut and Ryan calmly step away. The springs in his chair made a noise as he sat down.

There was a knock at the door and he got up. I heard him get up and out the knife in a drawer. The door opened and there was some loud thuds.

"Where is the girl?!"

"I don't know what you are talking about sir. Would you please let me off the ground or I will get the authorities out here. You are armed and have broken into my home, I have reason for you to be locked away."

"Don't play games Ryan. Where is Jessica, where the fuck is she!"

The voices shouted back and fourth. Their voices escalated to almost screaming at each other before it finally went silent and only a clanging was heard. Feet shuffled across the floor as glass shattered and counters and cabinets were split. The vibrations that could be felt on the floor were enough to drive a person mad.

There was a scream of agony and then only heavy breathing.

"God, that was fucking bastard. He is finally dead.. after all he gook from me and no one believed me. The sick son of a bitch is finally dead. I need to find the girl now.."

I started making as much noise as I could. I screamed through the tape and wriggled my body around, slamming my torso and ribs against the door, hoping to make enough sound so the man could hear me.

This was it, this was it! I was going to get out of this hell hole of a place. I had been waiting forever now, I had long ago lost track of time. I wonder how long I had been in here.. a month? Two months, maybe three? I had no idea.

"In here.. Jessica!"

I wriggled more violently to make more noise. My body hurt and ached horribly. It felt numb, but yet I could still feel pain. It felt like every bone in my body was broken.

"Where is the damn key."

I could hear him scuffing his feet and searching through drawers. He must have found the cabinet labeled 'keys' because I heard the jingling of many keys. Each was tried on the door and then dropped to the floor when they didn't work. Finally one worked.

The door opened slowly and light flooded the small room, causing me to instinctively squint, even though I was blindfolded with cloth.


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