Chapter 19

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I smiled in happiness at what I had just found. He had obviously known of this place, but it seems like the little girl was trying to keep it a secret. Was it wrong to want to know what was in this diary? Wether it was or wasn't I was going to read it. I opened up the front cover which was dusty, I wiped it off. The dust flew about the small room like a flock of birds in the sky. It spread out across the things and settled. I opened to the first page carefully, it was fragile. The pages seems like they would tear at any moment if I touched them too roughly. I felt like I was holding a prized possession, and antique, something my mother would tell me never to touch because of its value.

The first page said:

- Daddy got me a new diary today, he told me it was just because today seemed special. This is the first thing I'm writing so I guess I should introduce myself. My names is Elouise Marie Shelton. I am eight years old and I live in a big house with my daddy, Ryan. I don't know where mommy went, she left to go to the store and didn't come back. The police couldn't ever find her. Daddy was sad. Anyways, i have brown hair and blue eyes. My favorite colors are white and pink and purple, pastel of course. I don't like really bright colors. When I grow up, I want to be an actress, like in the movies. I don't watch much regular television, I always watch old movies and read books. I don't like reality, it's boring. I love fairy tales and made up things. I hear daddy's footsteps now,I have to keep this a private thing, like he said it should be. It's going into the secret room I discovered after mommy left. She told me it was our place anyways gtg. Bye (:

~Elouise❤️ -

He had a daughter. This was her room. Everything he gave me, the pastel dresses, the old films, the good stories. They were all things his daughter liked. I was supposed to be a replacement. I suddenly thought that I was doing something wrong by hiding from him and things. I felt a pang of guilt in my chest. I was supposed to be his daughter.

I contemplated wether to read all of it or skip from page to page. The dates were from four years ago. That was the date of the last entry written. This diary seemed a lot older than it actually was to begin with. I decided to read the very next pages entry and then skip a few pages.


August 22

I am smiling because daddy just got done tickling me. It made me smile when he did that because he isn't nice very often. Every since mommy had left he wasn't the same. He was mean and yelled at me so engines if I did a bad thing like talked to him while he was working. Also if I lied to him, he would smack me. Last time I lied I got a slap on the bottom and it bruised me. It okay though, he is just trying to help me be a better girl. My grades are good, I have A's in every class. I get punished if I get under a B. I like to make daddy proud so I try my hardest. I want to move houses because this house is weird. Weird things happen, sometimes I hear women screaming at night and I get scared but I just play music and fall asleep. I don't know if I'm supposed to be writing this stuff, but I guess I can trust you, as long as you don't tell anyone. You promise to keep it a secret? Okay I trust you. I'm putting u back in the space now, I hear daddy's footsteps.



I was astonished. He hurt his daughter like that? I suddenly didn't feel bad anymore.

I heard the truck pull up. Time went by fast, Ryan was home. I immediately resumed my position the the bed and put the food I had been munching on away. I tried to decide wether to sleep or wether to stay awake and listen. I was in a small cramped space, but at least it was organized. The thought of wanting to just let him see me and kill me entered my mind, but I quickly shoved it away. I began to doze of, but was awoken again by footsteps and loud crashing noises. It sounded like things being pulled over and off shelves. Then there was a scream.

It sounded like it was from a girl, my age maybe. It wasn't an older woman. It was a younger one, younger than 17 at least. It sounded like that anyways. I heard Ryan yell something.

"Get your ass downstairs so I can explain the rules. I. Not going to kill you so calm your shit down."

I winced, at his yell. The thing that scared me more than almost more than anything else. Maybe this girl was my replacement. I don't know. I decided to just try to rest and when he left tomorrow I would free her or do something to help her.

She was a second me.

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