Chapter Nine

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"Maya, Carina, Amelia, This is Camilla Luddington. She is the social worker now in charge of Amelia's case"

Maya's POV

I get out from Amelia's bed and walk over to Camilla "It's nice to meet you." I reach my hand out and she shakes it.

"You too. You must be Maya Bishop, is that correct"

"Yes, that is correct."

"Okay" She looks over at Carina "So you must be Doctor Carina DeLuca"


"Okay, Dr Robbins has made me familiar with Amelia-Grace's case, but as you are the one who found Amelia-Grace, I would like to just ask you some questions just so I can confirm the information I have already been given"

I nod my head then walk over to Amelia and kiss her on the head before walking out with the social worker. I shut the door behind me and all you can here from the room is Amelia crying for me to come back. It takes a lot of strength for me to not go back into that room and comfort her, but I know I need to talk to Camilla about Amelia and try everything in my power to keep her.

Camilla takes us into Arizona's office and we both sit down.

"Okay Maya, I thought before we begin, I would give you a little information about myself. I specialise in cases of child abuse and neglect so I've seen it all. I also like having the child to be as involved in this process as possible as they have gone through a very hard time so allowing them to have that freedom of choice is good for them." She talks for a few more minutes about how she works.

I smile as Camilla mentions the child's input. I know that I have a really good chance at being able to take Amelia home with me.

"If you have any more questions please feel free to ask. If not, I would like to proceed with Amelia-Grace's case" she says as she looks down at her file and pulls out a note pad.

"I have no questions" I say in a happy tone.

"Ok then. I'm just going to confirm some details with you. I would like you to answer them as best as you can for me okay." she says as she flicks to a page with Amelia's name at the top. "First of all, can you confirm Amelia-Grace's name, age and date of birth for me."

"Yes, Her name is Amelia-Grace Walker but she likes to go by Amelia. She is six years old and her date of birth is November 27th"

She writes down what I wrote "Any reason why she likes to go by just Amelia" She asks.

"She never said, she just requested when I first called her Amelia-Grace that I was to just call her Amelia"

"Okay, How did you get this information about Amelia" She asks me as she looks up from her notepad.

"I found this in her jacket pocket," I reach into my pocket and pull out the letter her mother left with her. "Its a letter from her mother confirming the details and her explaining that she doesn't want Amelia back." I say as I hand the social worker the letter. She reads it over writing some things down as she goes.

It feels like we have been in Arizona's office for hours as Camilla ended up asking load of questions about Amelia and what she has been like and what my living situation was like. Camilla then packs away everything and puts it into her bag.

"I would now like to go and speak with Amelia. I would like her to have some input in what is going to happen. But from what you have told me so far, I have an idea of a placement for her" She says before standing up.

I stand up and follow Camilla out of Arizona's Office and back up to Amelia's room where Carina is laid in bed with Amelia talking to her and making her laugh and Arizona is unhooking her IV as it must have finished. Amelia looks away from Carina and looks right at me. She climbs out of the bed and runs over to give me a big hug.

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