Chapter Thirty Four

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Maya's POV

Even though I have only had the ring for a couple weeks, I have been planning this day for months. While Amelia was in the hospital and I was alone during my visits, I would talk to her about how I planned to ask Carina to marry me. I had got permission from Andrew to marry his sister, and today is finally the day that I ask my girlfriend, to become my wife.

Carina's POV

I wake up and roll over to find that the bed is completely empty and cold. Amelia slept in our bed last night because she had a bad day so she needed the extra snuggles, but there was no sign of them. I get out of the bed, throw on my robe and wake my way to the kitchen.

"Bella's. Bella's where are you" I shout. No response. I look up at the chalkboard as I was going to write something on it but there was already a message on it in chalk pen.

Carina, Amelia and I have some things we have had to do this morning and you need to meet up with us. But first, go to the place where our baby learns.

I quickly get changed into some jeans and a button up shirt and grab a tub of berries to eat as I drive over to the school. I really hope that whatever Maya is doing, is going to give me some clarity as to why she has been so quiet and secretive recently.

I pull up to the school and walk over to the main office where one of the receptionists is sat behind their computers like usual.

"Ah, Miss DeLuca. I'm so glad you are here. Miss Bishop left this bag here and told me to give it to you" She hands me a small gift bag with some tissue paper coming out the top of the bag.

"Grazie" I take the bag and walk out of the school and back to my car to see what is inside. I remove the tissue paper to find an envelope and a box. Inside the box is a necklace with three hearts interlocking with each other. Inside the envelope is a letter which reads.

Mamma, Momma wrote this, but I told her what to write.

I hope that you love the necklace. I helped Momma pick it.

Mamma, I love you lots and lots and you make Momma really really happy. You always make Momma feel better when she is sad and you can always make her smiley again. I am super happy that I get to call you my Mamma and I hope that you will see us again soon.

To see your favourite bambina, go to the place where I met Momma and you.

I fold the letter back up and put it back in the envelope. I turn on the car and start driving down to the station where I am met by Andy and Vic.

"Carina, hey" Andy says to me.

"Ciao, is Maya or the bambina here" I ask.

"No, but they did give us a list of some things to do with you today" Vic tells me, pulling out a piece of paper from her pocket. "And first on the list is a breakfast bar, and written here is because you probably just grabbed something from the fridge

I laugh slightly because it's true. "Si, I left the house as soon as I read the chalkboard this morning so I just grabbed some of Amelia's berries"

"Well lets get you some breakfast then" Andy says, linking her arm around mine, then heading on over to my car. I reach over to get into the drivers side when Andy's hand blocks me. "I'm driving. You get in the back"

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