Chapter Fourty

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For any chapters going forward (any previous ones too), assume they have not been checked before they have gone out. I always find my errors when I do random rereads when I am figuring out ways to do story lines.

"And it's from the prison"


Maya's POV

I stand in shock knowing exactly who is trying to contact Amelia. "We don't have to give it to her, right"


"No, I am not going to give our child this letter from her poor excuse of a biological mother on her birthday and ruin her day. Today has been one of the best days of her life and she doesn't need this today." I say, the anger bubbling up inside me.

"Bambina, calm down. Please. You are going to wake up Amelia" Carina says softly, gently rubbing my shoulder and the top of my arm. "And as much as I want to agree with you, Amelia has every right to see this when she wants to. If she wants to. We need to tell her about this Maya."

At this point I am seconds away from bursting. The anger I have inside of me right now is at a level that I didn't know I could reach. "I think... I need to go for a run." And with that I quickly change into some running gear and leave the apartment.

Carina's POV

That hasn't happened in a while. I knew she was pissed, it was clear in her eyes that I shouldn't provoke it anymore. But leaving to go for a run when angry, she hasn't gone that since the accident. She just felt so guilty the entire time and that guilt turned to anger and her only release was running. I think that Maya still holds a lot of her emotions to herself and as much as I would like her to share more about her feelings with me, I know how hard it was growing up for Maya. She never had someone she could talk to about how she felt and so she doesn't open up. She resorts to running.

I think that Maya's upbringing is why she is so protective of Amelia. She hasn't even met Maya's parents yet and I doubt she ever will. I'm not opposed to her meeting them, but I would rather her not meet her father. But I also think it's why Maya was so scared of the idea of us having a baby.

A little under a year before we took Amelia in we began the conversations around children in the future and it was clear that Maya did not want a baby. Anytime we brought the subject up it ended in a fight so we decided that we were going to wait a little while until the subject came up again.

That's why I was so confused why Maya was so adamant that Amelia was going home with us as our daughter. And as much as I want to say we have completed our family, I know I want to have one more, and I think Maya does too.

Getting lost in my own thoughts, I realise Maya left 45 minutes ago so she should be back soon. As Amelia is also going to be awake soon I quickly do a little cleaning up.


(A/N Most of the Italian is from Google Translate in case some of it is not translated correctly)

"Mamma" I look over at Amelia's bedroom door where she is rubbing her eye a little.

"Ciao bambina. Did you have a good sleep?" I ask her.

"Si mamma. Dov'é la Momma (Where is momma?)" I love how much more Italian she uses now. It is true what they say, children pick up language really easily.

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