Chapter Twenty Three

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Maya's POV

"Momma" My two loves enter my office, one much more enthusiastically than the other. "I want hugs momma" She climbs up onto my lap as I was sat at my desk.

I wrap my arms around her, "I wanted hugs too Amelia. How was school"

"I missed you. you and mamma" She keeps her head pressed into my chest.

"Tell momma what you told me when you came out of school today bambina" I look at Carina trying to figure out what she meant.

"Oh yeah" Amelia shot her head up from off of me, almost hitting my chin with her head. "I made a friend"

I pick Amelia up and sit her on my desk, very proud of her. "You did Amelia" I say with lots of excitement in my voice knowing how hard it is for her to talk to new people. "What are they called"

"Evelyn" She has a big smile on her face.

"Well Amelia, I think that you deserve a treat for today, don't you" I say as I help her off of my desk and walk her out of my office, Carina with her arm around my waist.

"What kind of treat mamma" She asks as we head up the beanery and lounge area where the rest of the team are making dinner together.

"I may have gone out and bought something ready for when you came home from school this morning" I open the freezer and pull out a carton. Amelia's eyes instantly light up and Carina looks ever so slightly disappointed. "But if I give you this, you have to be good for mamma when you get home, that means listening to her and eating your dinner and going to bed when she tells you too okay Amelia"

"Yes momma. Can I have Ice-cream now"

I nod my head and grab a bowl and spoon out for Amelia as she runs off towards the table so she can have her Ice-cream.

"How much sugar are you about to pump into her Maya" Carina says quietly as I scoop a bi chunk of ice-cream into the bowl. "I swear to god Maya, I will kill you if she is hyper"

I walk over to Amelia and hand her the bowl. "Thank you momma"

"You're welcome princess" I walk back over to Carina and plant a kiss on her lips, wrapping my arms around her. "I got the one with the least amount of sugar I could find" I kiss her again. "And kill me if she's hyper" I give Carina the 'look' and in a low whisper say "I. Dare. You"

"ha, okay. Is that how this is going is it" She pulls me in for a rough kiss, filled with passion. "I'll take that challenge"

"There is a small child in here, and all of us. If you are going to have S...E...X" Andy spells out. "Please take it elsewhere." Carina and I look at each other then look back at Andy. "We will watch Amelia"

"Thank you" And with that, Carina and I run down to my office and get going with a nice mid afternoon workout filled with love and passion. (and an orgasm or three)

Andy's POV

"Where did my mama's go Auntie Andy" Amelia asks with chocolate all around her face from her ice-cream that she has finished

"They erm...They went to" I look around at everyone. "Can someone help me please"

"They... they...well aha they went to talk about something Amelia, you don't need to worry about it. It's silly grown up things" Vic says as she takes Amelia's bowl away and check on the oven. "But that means we can all hand out for a little while"

"Yes, grown up things. you wouldn't like to hear it" I hear a couple laughs come form some of the team. "Oh grow up" I say to those certain individuals.

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