Chapter Thirty One

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Maya's POV

"Amelia. Amelia can you hear Momma" I ask her, hoping that it wasn't my mind playing tricks on me.

"Y...y....yes" She says quietly. "I c...can h...h...hear you. throat h...hurts"

Carina and I hug her tightly and cry happy tears for the first time in what felt like forever. She came back. She listened. Amelia came back to us.

"I know it does Amelia. Do you think you could open your eyes for me Amelia" Arizona asks her. "Can you open them so I could have a quick look at them"

I watch as Amelia slowly opens her eyes. The emerald green circles fill me with so much joy. She starts to fuss a little as her eyes open wider. "It's too bright" She lifts her hands up and rubs her eyes.

"That's alright Amelia, I can turn the light brightness down in here so your eyes don't hurt as much" She goes and turns the lights down so they are not quite completely turned off but very close to being off. Amelia goes to open her eyes again, this time she doesn't fuss about it. "I'm going to let you have some privacy now" She says before leaving the room.

"Yes, I'll let you three have some well deserved family time" Camilla says.

"Thank you" Carina says to her just before she leaves. She smiles at us then walks away and we continue to shower Amelia in lots of love and kisses.

"Momma, Mamma. I heard everything" Amelia tells us quietly. "I heard everything"

"Do you remember anything we told you" I asked her, wanting to know how good her memory was.

"I can remember Mamma talking about this" She slowly lifted up her hand that hand the bracelet on. "Pink for mamma, red for momma and green for me" She smiles slightly which makes both Carina and I smile. "And you said you loved me and missed me. A lot"

"I'm so glad that you were able to hear everyone talking to you bambina" Carina say to her. "I bet everyone told you how much they missed you" she adds.


Amelia's POV

I have been very spoilt over the last few days by everyone at the hospital and even the people at the fire station. Momma and Mamma are always happy now which makes me happy because when I was sick, I could hear how sad Momma and Mamma were whenever they came and spoke to me. I tried so hard to show them that I was still here and that I was still Amelia but I couldn't do anything. I couldn't move.

"Right Amelia, we need to take you down for some tests so we can see when you can go home." Dr Robbins says as she walks into my room with another doctor who I don't know.

"Who's that?" I ask, pointing at the doctor in light blue scrubs. "Why do they have light blue scrubs instead of dark blue?"

"Mia, it is rude to point at people" Mamma says to me.

"Sorry mamma. sorry other doctor" I say, looking at my hands.

"Its okay Amelia" The other doctor says. "But I am Doctor Levi Schmitt. And my scrubs are light blue because I am still learning to be a doctor as good as Doctor Robbins." He adds.

"Okay Doctor what was it again"


"Doctor Schmitt" I say.

"Yes, that's it" He praises.

"Okay, okay" Dr Robbins says giggling. "We need to get you down for some scans. Your momma and mamma know the drill. We will be a quick as we can, we promise"

"Can I take Ellie with me" I ask, not wanting to let go of my bear. "She keeps me safe"

"Yes, you can take Ellie, then when you have the scans she has to go at the bottom of the bed though"

She unlocks my bed as begins to take me out of the room.

"Bye mama's" I shout as I get further and further from my room.


Still Amelia's POV


Doctor Robbins said that I was well enough and strong enough to go back home, but I have to rest so I don't have to go to school till its almost my birthday which is in a couple weeks. I can't wait to go home because I missed all of my toys and I bet my toys missed me too.

Throughout my time in the hospital, I met lots and lots of new doctors and they were all really nice. I was a little scared at first but not as scared as I was when I first met Doctor Robbins and Dr Hunt that day I went to the station and met my Momma.

"Right Amelia bambina, you get a special wheelchair ride out the hospital today so come on" Mamma says as she brings the wheelchair into my room. Momma helps me down onto the ground and into the wheelchair because my legs still weren't very strong because they got very hurt in the accident. When I was sleeping, I had casts on my legs because they were broken but they got taken off the day after I woke up because my legs were better. Instead of the casts, I have to wear these big boot things that help keep my legs strong and in a a couple weeks, I can wear normal shoes. 

"Lets go home" Momma says as she picks up all of the bags we had in the hospital.

"Yes, lets" Mamma adds.

Mamma pushes me out of the hospital to the parking lot where lots and lots of doctors were stood.

"GOODBYE AMELIA" They all shout at the same time. I scream a little because I didn't expect them to do that but then I laugh.

"What do you say bambina" Mamma reminds me.

"Oh yeah. Thank you" I say to them all.

"YOU'RE WELCOME" They all say together.

A couple of the doctors come over and give me a hug and say some things to me such as Doctor Shepherd, Doctor Grey, Doctor Bailey, Doctor Schmitt, Doctor Wilson, Doctor Karev, Doctor Altman, Doctor Hunt and of course Doctor Robbins.

After all the doctors say bye to me (in a good way this time), mamma and momma take me to the car and we drive back home.


Again very short but I didn't have many ideas for what to do when Amelia woke up but I have plans for the next story line and I think that you will all love it because its been now 31 chapters so its about time for this next story line. (ANY IDEAS????)

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