Chapter 26

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'Who are you?' she asked him again, the same test he had been failing time and time again.

'I am Stannis Baratheon, first of his name, Lord Protector of the seven kingdoms...' she immediately rolled her eyes and put him in a meditative state.

'You truly are stubborn, I respect that, and a man of principle fighting for what he believes is his birthright' she said. 'But here's the thing Stannis, I have Valyrian blood and the blood of the first men and having the blood of powerful kings makes it easier to do blood magic and with that magic I am what you call a seer, I have visions and can predict what may or may come into the future. And in all the probabilities and possible outcomes that I saw before coming to this world, not one world did you become King. Not one world that you won. I mean even when I tried to see the worst outcomes there was a world in which Tommen Baratheon won the game of throne. Fucking Tommen and yet you, you were always destined for failure.

In fact your biggest contribution is that you crossed paths with my father, that's all you are, a footnote in the memoirs of better men but you need not be discouraged for after you leave this world you can find peace and be with your family' she stated. 'Because whilst your future was always destined for failure and hardship, my destiny was always one of peace, a dream of spring if you were. My parents were meant to win the war and I was to grow in a family and watch them thrive. Bloodraven stole that from me and he has been dealt with, he is suffering an unending torture for eternity in my cells. Tyrion Lannister and Samwell Tarly are lucky they did not cross my path for their lives are now forfeit but Sansa Stark, Brienne of Tarth and the rest of them will understand my wrath.'

'All I need from you is your subservience but I have studied you well enough to know you won't just give it to me not without force' she said. 'Luckily we have some time before I'm born.'

Asshai was a strange place, with warlocks and witches alike. Being a mage was common in the sultry city with purple skies.

Lyanna stayed cloaked and hidden to not draw too much attention whenever she moved through the magical place.

They had spent a few years here and she had learned an array of tricks in Shiera's temple.

Despite assurances from Shiera, she never felt safe in the temple. Life on the run from the raven's line of sight had taught her so much that fear was commonplace now.

And every day that fear drove her to work hard. The fear and the anger, she had used as fuel to learn of her parents, the life they lived.

Learn of her good and kind parents who despite having their royal life stolen from them, still decided to be good, still decided to be the heroes that protect the weak and save them.

Their kindness was used as weakness in that world, at first her anger was aimed at Cersei and the Night King for they were the villains and advisories that hurt her parents but they met their ends.

It was those that councilled within them and pretended to be family and friend when in truth they protected themselves and themselves alone.

Their due was soon coming.

She had honed her skills and had learnt how to see and manipulate events in the past.

One time she had decided to go and forewarn her grandfather Rhaegar of what was to occur before Shiera stopped her.

'You shouldn't have intervened, if he knew about the Trident. Things would change' she stated to Shiera who was very displeased.

'The ink is dry, the past is already written youngling' the women responded.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2021 ⏰

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