Chapter 1

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The Wall

Robb Stark and his mother had been walking for what felt like years

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Robb Stark and his mother had been walking for what felt like years. They had been on foot. Greywind waddling by his side. It had been almost a year since the Red Wedding, two years since he watched his wife and their unborn babe die to the hands of Walder Frey. If it weren't for his mother warning him before hand not to go back inside after she silently suspected of Roose Bolton wearing chain armor under his cloak, there might have been arrows in his back. If it weren't also for Lord Umber carrying him away from the scene as he struggled to get back inside and rescue Talissa he may have been dead. He almost made it back but just as he was about to run back into the castle he saw her body being carried out by the Bolton's, after that he passed out and woke up in a cart.

After that they were travelling through the Riverlands being kept alive by the kindness of Tully loyalists that her mother knew from growing up. They sheltered from house to house keeping a weary eye for Tywin Lannister and his dogs. Robb would hear whispers from the common folk about how he was now labelled as 'the King that ran.' That label would have stung but Robb didn't care, he felt no pride, he felt no shame, he had no other reason to live. He would persevere though for the one thing keeping him alive the only thing he wanted and that was revenge. He wanted to look into Tywin Lannister's as he took his last breath. He wanted to torture Roose Bolton for years on end. He wanted to feed Walder pieces of his sons to him.

They had finally reached Castle Black and through the hospitality of Lord Commander Ser Alliser Thorne, who seemed rather upset at the presence of two Starks in his keep, they waited. They had requested to see Jon, he needed his brother right now, much to his mother's respite they needed his help. They had to start rebuilding their force and they would start here with Jon, someone he could trust.

A fat burly man walked in huffing in his weight and almost tripping clumsily. He earlier had introduced himself as Samwell Tarly, son of Randyl Tarly, a mystery as to why he was here would be tabled for later. With him came an old blind Maester named Aemon who scurried along to the desk clinging to the surface in order to determine where what was before he sat down.

'This is Maester Aemon Targaryen' the fat man announced. Robb shared a confused look with his mother who was also clearly exasperated at what was happening, clearly unimpressed at the ambiguity of his brother's presence.

'I would like to see my brother Jon Snow and my Uncle Benjen as well. We don't have time for conversing with exiled Targaryens' Robb remarked rather aggressively. His tone must have been sharp given the fear that then spread on the fat mans face. The maester simply smiled.

'My dear Stark. I am not exiled. I chose to be here. I would have been King but I gave up my crown for my brother. Tell me your grace will you do the same?' the maester asked, he may have been blind but it felt as if he were staring into Robbs soul.

'Pardon me Maester I do not understand. Why would my son give up his crown for his brother and where is the boy Jon Snow?' Catelyn asked seeming remiss.

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