Chapter 2

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King & Queens Chamber

Jon was walking to his personal chambers when he opened the door he was surprised when he saw Ser Barristan standing there with a concerned look on his face. He let out a small sigh given that a part of him wants to sleep.

'You know Ser Barristan just a moon ago Daario Naharis snuck in this chamber in an attempt to seduce the Queen and bed her. I hope you are not trying to do the same with me' Jon stated with sly hint of humor.

The old knight just smiled 'of course not your grace.'

'Good. I would hate to have to brand the word "whore" on your buttocks; it's a rather excessive punishment. Although I must admit hearing Daario shriek like a pig is a memory I will forever hold close to my heart' Jon laughed. The old knight gave a slight grin, he wasn't a fan of the sellsword.

'What brings you here at this late hour?' Jon asked as he removed his boots and let out the small rocks and dust that had gathered inside.

'Did you manage to gather the fleet?' he asked in response. Jon scrunched his head puzzled at the question.

'Word has been sent. Our counselor in Volantis is transporting four hundred ships. The other ships that we took from the wise masters should be enough to transport us' Jon replied as he changed into his night shirt.

'So we will have enough to go to Westeros then?' the knight questioned even further.

'Aye we will have enough to carry us, to carry our weapons and to carry enough grain for a few moons. All of this information I could have given you tomorrow so again I ask why are you here?' Jon asked slightly losing his patience.

'Your grace I worry about your wife and your sister. In every battle they grow more ruthless and bloodthirsty.' Jon rolled his eyes preparing himself for another of the old mans rants. 'Yes you may have successfully conquered Essos and removed slavery but are the deaths of those millions worth it' he pointed out trying to make a point.

'They are worth it Ser Barristan because now no child will ever know what it is like to be sold. We liberated Mereen. Are the deaths horrible? Yes. And if there were a peaceful way would we have done it that way? Yes. But those are questions of morality and this world is far too cruel for that. No one writes bards about the merciful and though I am not looking to be in any songs, we need them to remember what happened when the Trigon came to Essos' Jon stated hoping Barristan would stop trying to spread his new found pacifism.

'If you want to conquer Westeros so that you can liberate them then...' Barristan was about to continue but Jon cut him off.

'We are not going to Westeros to liberate them, we are going to Westeros to seek justice and claim what is ours with Fire and Blood. I think it is time you get with that program' Jon said whilst using his Kingly voice.

'Of course your grace. If you would excuse me' Barristan said disappointingly. He was nearing the door when Jon spoke up again.

'Oh Ser Barristan the next time you have an issue that is of utmost importance, instead of undermining my equals, you will address it to Dany, Rhaenys and I. They are not just my wife and my sister but your Queen and Sultan. You seeking me alone makes me wonder if you thought you could manipulate me by myself' Jon's voice was rising to that of a threat.

'No your grace, I am just an old man who despises bloodshed just as you do. The Queen and Sultan hold no love for Westeros. I never meant any disrespect' Barristan said apologetically.

'I know Ser. I am sending Robb a raven telling him we mean to sail for Dragonstone. So at the very least that is one ally' the knight smiled slightly before making his exist.

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