Chapter 8

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The Conquerors Of Dorne

The wedding guests or what was left of the wedding retinue stood in the courtyard, disheveled and teething with fear. The smoke and ash from the city was starting to dissipate as the sun set on the horizon. Ashara stood firmly and proudly as she watched her Sultan disembark from her red dragon. Her nephew Edric Dayne stood firmly to the doors holding Dawn tightly to his chest as he assessed the room. The sultan stepped down in a magnificent descent.

Her Tiger Elia leaping off and moving seemingly in lock step. At times she wondered if Rhaenys had the same warging abilities that her daughter possessed. Speaking of her daughter, Allyria who had led the sellswords through the underground caves and traverses was making her way to the Sultan. Rhaenys shared some quip with Arianne before turning around and hugging Allyria in greeting. Ashara smiled, wishing that Elia was here to watch both their little girls share this moment. She missed her best friend.

Rhaenys then made her way to Ashara and gave her a hug.

'Seems as if the plan worked' Ashara smiled.

'Jon had his doubts; he and Dany almost called it off when they heard that you will be spearheading the invasion. They didn't want their precious Ashara hurt' Rhaenys responded with a grin. Ashara rolled her eyes but her heart was pulled none the less.

She had found the Trigon in Astapor, travelling with her daughter Allyria, her pride and joy. Despite the ambivalence of her father of course.

'I should consider myself lucky then. The king and the queen deem me precious' she responded. Rhaenys let out a small chuckle as she scanned the courtyard. Her dragon was bathing in the fading sunlight as it purred in its gloriousness.

Rhaenys looked in the corner and spotted a group children who were visibly shaking with fear.

'I think its best you take the children elsewhere. Wouldn't really be proper for them to see me slaughter their loved ones in front of them' Rhaenys said as she motioned to the cowering children.

A sellsword escorted them out as Rhaenys scanned the room. She walked around the courtyard as she assessed the people on the floor in chains. She looked at Oberyn and Elia who were fixated on the Targaryen girl, Oberyn whose leg that had been pierced by an arrow had now been wrapped in a cloth, was now looking intently at Rhaenys face, he was looking for Elia in her face.

She then made her way towards the Lords seat with her tiger at her feet. When she sat down she motioned for each of the liege lords of Dorne to step forward.

'Good evening my lords and ladies. I am your Sultan and Princess Rhaenys Targaryen. Sister to the King Jaehaerys Targaryen, niece to the Queen Daenerys Targaryen. Member of the Trigon. Daughter of Rhaegar Targaryen and ... Elia Martell' Rhaenys said. She made sure to emphasize the name Elia Martell to remind everyone of who she really is.

'House Blackmont, house Yronwood, house Jordayne, House Allyrion, House Manwoody, House Qorgyle and every House of Dorne in attendance here. House Lannister committed treason when they executed and raped your rightful Queen, my mother Elia Martell. When they butchered your crown prince, my brother Aegon and yet here you stand feasting and dining with them. If any of you had any speck of loyalty like House Dayne then you would have rallied to me instead of this dalliance. I should show you the same justice I showed your thirty thousand bannermen laying burnt to crisps in the city streets' Rhaenys said as she seethed. The lords and ladies in attendance cowered as they heard her dragon roar loudly and glare at them as if sizing them all up for his next meal.

'But I am feeling benevolent. So I will give you the benefit of the doubt my lords and ladies that you didn't know I was alive. That you agreed to this farce of a ceremony and this alliance because you were under duress to House Martell. That you only did this because of the pledge you made to your liege monarch of Dorne' she said as she pointed an accusing finger at Doran. Doran tensed at the attention that was now on him.

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