Chapter 4

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Jon trained in the yard of the castle in Magister's palace. He sparred with Barristan Selmy; his training under the man had improved his swordplay immensely. His training regime was strict and disciplined but Jon was learning how to be a principalled fighter. There were moments when he would spar with Rhaenys, he enjoyed sparring with his sister but she had a tendency of cheating. At first Jon was infuriated with the cheating but soon enough he grew to appreciate her logic and took her tips of fighting dirty to memory because when men are faced with death, they will not fight honorably. He also started studying warfare and military strategies with both Rhaenys and Dany, something they assumed would be fruitful in the future. Viserys refused to join them stating that he was a true dragon who had battle in his veins.

They sparred for what felt like hours and Jon managed to get the better of the knight to which the man smiled in shock, Jon had been silently studying Barristan, noticing his movements and his thrusts when he swung his blade, Ser Rodrick would always say that Jon's biggest strength was his speed but that was incorrect, Jon's biggest strength in a fight was adaptability. Jon knew when he was outmatched in a fight and he would gauge an opponent for weaknesses as he did to Barristan.

They ended the session and Jon put his sword away, when he placed his sword in his sheath, he felt as if eyes were watching. When he looked up he saw his uncle glaring down at him, the glare was as hateful as Lady Catelyn's, taking him back to the days of him growing up in Winterfell. But this glare was different, his look wasn't just contempt. His look held something else, something he recognized whenever he was with Robb; envy. He scowled back at Viserys not yielding to his pitiful stares; the mad prince then turned around on the balcony and shouted out for Doreah to come assist him.

Jon's mood was almost ruined but then he looked to the far corner and he saw her, Dany. If Jon were to describe an angel to someone he would just point to Daenerys Targaryen. She was breathtakingly beautiful. Not only was she beautiful, she was kind and smart. Jon enjoyed spending time with his aunt, he loved hearing her talk. She would teach him valyrian and they would study the history of the seven kingdoms together from the books given to him by Maester Aemon, he enjoyed the lessons that he had with her because they were both learning together. One thing he also noticed about Dany was that she was also funny, Rhaenys always claimed that she was uptight but Jon disagreed, she was regal yes but she was also hilarious, she would tell him jokes purposefully and would only laugh when he laughed. She claimed that his smile brightened up her day.

Jon smiled at her and she beamed back. She motioned for him to come to her chambers and Jon immediately rushed to her room not wanting to spare an extra second. When he entered he saw ghost lying in her bed and he chuckled quietly to himself, his wolf had taken to her just as he had.

'Morning Dany' he said softly.

'Jon' she replied in a happy tone, they stood there for a couple of seconds in silence as they stared at each other.

'I have a secret that only Rhaenys knows' she stated after the long silence.

'And what is the secret?' Jon asked as he stared at her gorgeous face. She took out a box with brown carvings and a leather mast, she opened the box and it revealed three scaly eggs; she removed the red egg and the black egg and placed them on the side. She pushed forward the blue egg towards Jon. He eyed her curiously wondering why she was showing him a blue dragon egg that was nothing but stone.

'Touch it. I want to see something' she commanded, he loved it when she had that tone, when she spoke like a queen with authority. Jon grabbed the egg and felt the heat of the egg, he immediately let it go in shock.

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