Chapter 3

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Trigon Fleet Across The Narrow Sea

It had been a week since they had set voyage towards Westeros to claim back their rightful place on the iron throne and place revenge upon their enemies. Jon was standing on the deck of the ship watching the three dragons dive in and out of the water collecting fish. Aeryon surprised him when he lept out of the water with a whale the size of a boat. Jon was so transfixed he hadn't noticed that Rhaenys had come to stand beside him.

'I have good news and bad news' Rhaenys said as she watched Dany's dragon rip the flesh out of the whale.

'Whats the news?' Jon asked.

'Good news is our Khalesar are no longer seasick, no more wine barrels have to be emptied for them to puke in' she replied calmly.

'And the bad news' he asked again.

'Since they are no longer getting seasick, the wine barrels are being emptied because they want to get drunk' she said as she laughed. Jon smiled slightly at that. The two of them then looked towards another ship and they saw Ser Barristan instructing some of the unsullied to man the shaft below deck, Rhaenys immediately scowled at him, her good mood dissipating. Jon took notice of this and decided enough was enough

'I wanted to talk to you about Ser Barristan. I think the man has suffered enough. Dany agrees that our animosity towards him will get us nowhere. We piled on him for his mistakes with the wise masters but I think the hatred should stop now' Jon remarked knowingly.

'Who says I hate him?' she asked not looking Jon in the face.

Jon sighed 'Rhaenys you...' but Rhaenys immediately cut him off.

'No Jon no! I asked you to take his head along time ago and you and Dany keep protesting that its not the right thing to do. How many times will he fail us before you two understand that he is a liability. I should have killed him the moment the Sons Of The Harpy attacked at us' she said with clenched teeth.

'If you killed him. it would have destroyed you. He raised you, he loves you and he is loyal to you..' Jon responded.

'Loyal to me' she scoffed. Jon sighed not wanting to bring up the topic but he had to, they had to move forward and she had to trust in Ser Barristan again, they could ill afford fighting one another if they were to wage war against their enemies.

'Rhaenys what happened to Doreah was an accident. He didn't know' Jon pleaded. Rhaenys flinched at the memory of an old ghost being brought up.

'He knew Jon and she burned because of it' Rhaenys then looked at Jon with her eyes red 'I loved her and he let her burn, he led her into that temple because he knew that when we went back to Westeros that the Lords wouldn't accept it, that I would have to marry in order to garner alliances.' There was a tense silence before she continued again

'Did you know Doreah was pregnant?' she asked him, her voice distant and far away. Jon stared at her and for the second time this past week he was surprised by news that he did not know off but she just nodded.

'Yes during our time in Pentos, Viserys much like our Grandfather did to our Grandmother would force himself on to her. He usually did it after we undermined him and humiliated him in front Dany. He was always a weak man prone to viciousness. Doreah never said anything because she was a former pleasure slave so she thought that no one would believe her and given that she was a no longer a pleasure slave, she didn't have the benefit of having moon tea after she was raped'

'She told me after Viserys died, we were beginning to become more intimate. I remember telling her that I would help raise the child with her and I would love her still. We were happy until that day when' tears started flowing loosely from her cheeks 'well at least we got dragons out of it.'

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