Chapter 15

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The Dragon King

There are moments in life that are bittersweet. For every great moment, life finds a way to balance things out.

The moment Jon realized he wasn't a bastard but a trueborn he then found out that he would now have to live life on the run to protect his family. The moment he gained dragons and a Khalesar, he then now had a target on his back. The moment he held Rhaenerya in his arms, warlocks attacked them. The moment he had helped his wife stop slavery, they then had to murder a lot of people to stop the masters and slavers from ever rising again.

Life has a way of balancing things out. Jon wondered if there is a way that life had prepared to balance out the fact that they had three large dragons and one of the biggest armies in the history of Westeros, mayhaps an army of mutants will plan to wipe humanity out.

Right now that balance was in play.

For as beautiful and as joyful as it was to watch Catelyn burst into tears and go on her knees as she hugged Arya like she was a precious emerald. The moment was then ruined by Allyria's introduction.

Jon had warned Ally of this exact predicament and cautioned her to wait a bit but she had refused citing that she desperately needed to see Sansa.

Sansa for her part was a slight mystery.

She seemed genuinely happy to see Arya and the embrace the two sisters shared was one of affection. Her reaction to Allyria was the puzzling part.

Sure Sansa hugged and embraced her but from what Jon could see, the affection wasn't authentic. Sansa was wearing a mask. Pretending to be courteous instead of being out right from the jump, Allyria didn't have a problem with it though. She had wanted to meet her siblings from the day they had met in Essos and even Sansa's half heartened attempts wouldn't sour the moment.

The next awkward moment came when Margaery entered the hall, her eyes falling on Robb. She rushed towards him and kissed him in greeting.

Robb looked startled but deftly fell into the kiss. Allyria held a passive look on her face when she watched the two who betrothed people kiss.

'Sansa why don't you show your two sisters around the castle whilst Robb and his betrothed get acquainted again' Jon suggested.

Sansa held a puzzled look as she watched Jon before her eyes turned to Allyria and then to Robb. Understanding flashed In her eyes and it appeared she was piecing things together. How she had gathered that skill by only studying eye-contact, he wish he would know.

The people started leaving the room but Jon needed to have an important discussion. Even though he would love being with his wife and children, a king's duty waits for no one.

'Lady Stark' Jon announced as the Tully lady stopped in her tracks. 'If we could have a word in private.'

'Of course your grace' she responded. Jon would admit that he found a little pleasure in watching the lady wince every time she had to bring up his title but now was no time for pettiness.

They walked towards his solar in silence, the footsteps of his guards, lady Catelyn and himself echoing the hallway.

When they entered he offered her wine which at first she denied but then she accepted, not wanting to offend him. He wasn't surprised at her refusal, the first few days she had arrived with Robb and the Tyrell party at the castle; the servants had informed Talos that she was barely eating food out of fear that it was poisoned.

Jon sighed; it would not help the conversation that needed to occur.

A part of Jon should be elated that she felt unsettled, in his castle, under his protection, under his rule. It was a role reversal that a ten year old Jon Snow would dream of. Her being weary of him is the icing on the cake.

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