Chapter 16

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1 week later
Scarlett is acting strange. She gives me weird looks when I talk about Nathan and is basically shunning him.

I put this to the back of my mind when Scarlett mentions a party.

My eyes narrow at her. "What type of party?" I ask. Parties are one thing. High School parties are another.

She laughs. "What do you mean? It's a p-a-r-t-y!" She spells out.

"I mean does it involve alcohol and drunk sex?" I ask.

"Yeah. I mean there will be beer and stuff." She says surprised.

I swallow. I have never drank before. Will she expect me to? I mean I've sipped my moms wine a couple times but I have never DRANK.

And if I haven't then Aspen hasn't.

"Hmm... Where is it?" I ask. I want to go. Just not drink.

"Remember the creek hike? When I went to the bathroom? Well I found this really cool clearing in the wood and it has this old shack. I plan to ask one of the supervisors if I can run to the store to get some 'girl stuff' and I'll use my fake ID to get some beer and stuff. Go to the clearing where I will walk and give you the beer, then I'll walk back to my car and get cleared to go in! Easily as pie!" She says.

Wow. Okay. I tell her I will and she tells me to spread the word.

And I do.

By the end of the week everyone knows about the party that is happening next Friday at the clearing.


Me and Nathan agree to meet at our usual spot at midnight on Tuesday.

It is Tuesday and I wait until everyone was asleep to hop out of bed and out of the cabin.

I follow the road to what we call starry meadow. I wait a while until Nathan shows up. Immediately I am being kissed and the intensity of it is overwhelming.

We make out for a long time before I felt hands creeping up my shirt.

I giggle and push him away.

"Come on now! Your laughing you love it!" He pleads.

"No... You have to wait!" I say.

"Fine. If you won't let me then I won't kiss you!" He laughs.

"Fine!" I say back

I counted to ten in my head and then I couldn't take it.

"Alright! Fine! I give."

He laughs and starts kissing me again.

His hands are up my shirt and I feel weird. This has never ever happened before.

He trails his hands over my stomach. But that is all. Thank god.

I leave later and go back to the cabin to sleep.

I lay down thinking about the party that is happening in 3 days.

That's when I hear footsteps on the cabin floor.

I look over to see Sabrina Slut climb out of her bunk and out the door.

My eyes narrow and I can't help but follow her.

I soon notice she was taking the road to starry meadow and I feel a sickening in the pit of my stomach.

She reaches starry meadow and all my fears were confirmed.

Nathan is in the middle of meadow.

I turn around and run as soon as his mouth finds hers in the darkness.

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