Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

(Ansley POV)

I am now standing in the middle of a room that is the size of Myrick and my apartment put together. This can't be real, who has a house this big and they are the only ones living here.

"Do you like it?" Aiden asked from behind me.

"Yeah! I mean it's a little big but I can manage." I replied without turning around.

I heard Aiden chuckling behind me and then he said.

"This room isn't the only thing that I have that is Big. I hope you can manage that as well."

I whip my head around and look at him in total shock, then I made the mistake of looking down at his crotch and sure enough there was a rather large bulge in his pants. Before I knew it I had hurled whatever I had in my hand at Aiden.

"Shit! What was that for!?" Aiden yelled at me. "You do know that, that was your phone right?" He continued

"Well I wouldn't have to throw things at you if you weren't being so nasty and perverted. I thought we made a deal Aiden, no sexual come-ons or I quit!" I yelled at him

"I was just stating the truth and you did say you wanted me to be honest with you, so I did. Dang, you women are so confusing. Make up your mind with what you want me to do." He said in a teasing voice with a smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

Those luscious, plump, kissable, pink lips that I could so suck right off his devilish handsome face.

"Ahem." Aiden clears his throat cutting me from my thoughts.

I look up at him and he's wearing that stupid smirk that I love and hate.

"Well Miss. McCarron, if I can remember correctly you said, less than five minutes ago, that we would have no sexual come-ons. And if my eyes serve me right, which I'm sure they do because I have PERFECT 20-20 vision, you were just eye raping me." He said making my face heat up and my palms sweat.

"Ummm...I was..Ummmm arrrg, just shut up and get out so I can unpack!" I say to him. "And where are my bags anyways?" I cross my arms over my chest.

"Being the nice and amazing man that I am, I've had all of your things unpacked and put away for you. I even took the liberty to put away your personals myself." He said looking like he is so proud of himself.

Once again I am shocked by this man and I'm pretty sure my face says it all. I opened my mouth to reply but nothing can out so I was just standing there with my mouth wide open and my arms out to my side. I stand there and watch as Aiden slowly stalk towards me like a lion going after his pare. I can't move so I just said there helpless. Now he is standing directly in front of me, so close that I can feel the heat radiating off of his tall, muscular body. So close that I can catch is sent, he smells like body wash, mints, and freshly washed clothes. I close my eyes as I feel him lean closely to my face, I can feel his breath on my cheek. He then raises his hand and close my mouth for me, then he leans closer and whispers in my ear.

"No need to thank me sweetheart, By the way I can't wait to see you in that black and red lace Victoria Secret set that I put away." I gasp at his words and then I feel his hands on my waist and I melt into his touch.

Then he continues and says while pulling me closer.

"Or better yet, I can't wait to see you out of it...." He says in a husky voice that sends chills down my spine.

My eyes flies open and I am standing in the middle of the room alone, it was like he wasn't even there. But in that moment I realized two things, one: There will never be a dull moment with Aiden. And Two: I might as well forget the rule about no sexual come-ons, because that's just impossible for me and him!

With nothing else to do for the day, I decide to take my own little tour of Aiden's house so I spent the next few minutes roaming. Before I knew it, minutes turned into hours, that's when I realized that I was no longer touring, but I was lost. I mean geez, how big could this place be? Apparently very big because I've went up two flights of stairs, made two lefts and a right. I'm now standing in front of this super huge door that seems to go from floor to ceiling.

This has to be Aiden's room, so I look around before walking up and opening the door. Ok, so this wasn't Aiden's room, but it looked like a room that hadn't been entered in a while. The lights were off and sheets covered the windows and sofas. At first I was scared to go any further but, I see what looks like a photo album in the corner of the room so my curiosity is peeked.

Making my way across the room, I pick up the book, and it's definitely a photo album. I open it up and begin viewing the contents, there are old photos of a baby boy who looks a lot like Aiden. I flip through the pages and find more pictures of this little boy except now he's a few years older and he seems very happy but the parents standing behind him look as though they have fake smiles on their faces.

Flipping on to more pictures I notice that as the young boy grows older, he seems sadder and his parents seem more distant. Before long there were only pictures of the boy and his mom, no father to be found. I then realize that the boy in the pictures is Aiden, my heart grows heavy for him... Before I could continue on with the photos, I heard someone clear their throat.

Frightened, I spin around with the book in my hand, knocking the lamp that was on the table off. Looking up from the broken lamp, I meet the eyes of a very angry Aiden. He walks over to me, snatches the book from my hand, and begins to scold me.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN HERE"? He Yells. "And why are you going through my things!?"

I wince from the rage in his voice.

"I'm sorry, I was trying to get to know the place better by waking around, but I got lost and ended up here. I'm really sorry." I rush out in one breath while looking at the floor the entire time.

I hear him take a deep breath and I look up to see him running his hands through his hair.

"Look I'm sorry for yelling at you, but it's just when I can to get you to tell you that dinner was ready, you were nowhere to be found. I've been looking all over for you for the last two hours and I started to get worried, I thought something had happened to you, but instead, I find you in here going through my things and I got a little upset." He explains.

I don't know why, but I felt guilty for making him worry so much and for going through his things so I walk up and give him a hug. I can tell it caught him off guard a little because I felt him stiffen then relax and hug me back. I whispered a low apology and we just stood there for God knows how long just enjoying the moment.

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