Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

(Ansley POV)

After a full week of failed attempts to get find a second job you can say that I'm in desperate need of our up and coming girl's night out. To make things better my best friend since ninth grade, Nicole Baxter, just moved back in town and is going to join us. She's a little on the wild side, but that's the best thing about her.

It is now Friday and I'm on my way to the last interview on my list. I've applied for the Secretary position at the million dollar "Grantham Industry" a huge music company. This is honestly the only job a really want. To say that I'm nervous would be an understatement, I am petrified! Walking through the door I make my way to the front desk. I am wearing a high waist black pencil skirt, a red blouse with ruffles on the chest, a sharply cut black blazer, and a pair of black and cheeta print closed in-toe pump to add a little of my own flavor. I thought I looked cute, that's until the lady at the front desk made me think otherwise.

"Hi, I'm Ansley McCarron, and I'm here for an interview with Mr. Grantham."

I say trying to sound as confident as possible. Looking up from her magazine she gives me the once over. Checking me from head to toe.

"Wearing that!?" She scoffs, "Honey, I think you're applying for the wrong job. You should try the clothing store down the street, or maybe not... That look is soooo last year!"

"Look, Thanks for your unwanted opinion... (Glancing down at her name tag, I read her name) Heather, but could you just do your 'Job' and tell me where my interview will be held!? Or is that too much to ask?.." I snap at her

"Kill the 'tude pup, take the elevator to the top floor, then once exiting turn left, sit in the waiting room and wait for your name to be called. Mr. Grantham is in a very important meeting right now but it shouldn't be much longer now." She gives me directions without even looking up from her magazine.

Without saying a thanks, I make my way over to the elevators. The whole way up, I and praying that everything goes well. Once I step onto the floor I see the works are all a little on edge. All of them seem to be talking about this important man that Mr. Grantham is in the meeting with.

This man must be pretty incredible to cause an uproar like this. After about 20 minutes of waiting and twirling my thumbs, the door to the conference room opens and Mr. Grantham walks out. And let me just say, he is a rather good looking man to be 47!

I hear him talking to someone and just when I was wondering who, HE walks out. The man I have had wet dreams about for a Week is the important client Mr. Grantham was in the meeting with!

"Oh crap on a fudge stick!! What am I gonna do now! Just keep your cool Ans, act like you don't see him" I tell myself.

"Thanks again for meeting with me Mr. Kingston, I'm really looking forward to doing business with you" I hear Mr. Grantham tell Aiden.

"No Problem sir, and you can just call me Aiden." I hear Him reply, and his voice sends chills down my spine.

I bit my lip to keep the small moan from escaping.

"Alright, Aiden, see you later. I have to interview Ms. Ansley McCarron today for my new P.A position." Mr. Grantham said while I watch Aiden's face turn into one of pure shock.

I didn't realizing until I hear him say something that Mr. Grantham was standing directly in front of me.

"And you must be Ms. McCarron? I'm so sorry to have kept you waiting, I'm Mr. Grantham. But you can call me Nick. It's nice to meet you." Mr. Grantham extends his hand to me.

His very polite for a big time CEO. I reach out to shake it.

"No problem, and likewise Sir...I mean Nick." I say sounding very sure of myself.

"You are a beautiful young lady... reminds me of a young version of my wife"

He laughs out and I laugh with him and say a small thank you.

"Aiden!" Mr. Grantham calls out. "Come over and meet this lovely young lady. Ansley, this is Mr. Aiden Kingston, and Aiden this is Ms. Ansley McCarron" He introduced us.

"Oh trust me Nick, I've met this lovely young lady already. Isn't that right Ans?" Aiden says, giving me his signature smirk and I nearly swoon.

"Uhhhh Yea...aa, Nice to see you again Mr. Kingston." I stammer out.

"Smooth Ans, really smooth" I scold myself.

"You don't have to be so formal with me. But if you don't mind, I would like to have one last word with Nick before you steal him away for your interview." Aiden says.

"Of course, sure!" I say a little too forcefully

I watch as the walk away. 10 minutes later they emerge from the room once more and Nick looks a little weary, I wonder why.

"Alright Nick, remember the plan and Ansley, it was nice to see you again and I'm sure I'll be seeing you in the near future." Aiden say while stepping on the elevator with a smile that says "I know something you don't"

It's now late afternoon and the interview is over, and I don't know what happened in that room but when I went in to talk to Nick, he told me that he will no longer be need my services. I'm currently trying to find something to wear to my girls night out and Nicole told me to make sure its sexy because she has a secret place to take us tonight and I need to catch a man to make my troubles disappear if for only one night.. I swear that child is crazy! But I am very excited about going out to dance and relieve some stress tonight. I just pray that where ever Nicole takes us it isn't too wild!

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