Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

(Ansley POV)

I've been working for Aiden for a few days now and I've noticed that there are many sides to this man, but only two of them really stand out to me. At home when we're just relaxing and not working, he's carefree and overly flirtatious. Like I said before the 'no sexual contact' clause is completely out the window! But at work he's very focused and stern with me, wanting things decent and in order but what is to expect from this money making mogul, I must admit he doesn't flash his money and riches like other people, he'd rather have a low key day, relax read a book, and watch TV. Then to go out driving yachts or buy a new fancy car, not saying that he doesn't splurges here there because trust me he does. Mostly on me, though I reject it all the time, he still somehow gets me to except it.

There is also another side that I'm more interested in and that's Aiden's mysterious side, I've come to realize that he is very secretive and gets very quiet when I bring up certain topics. For instance, tonight at dinner, he asked me to tell him more about myself and my family. So I told him how my mom has four children and I'm the oldest and I told him about my cousins and my granny. I even told him this embarrassing story about when I was little I was watching an old video of a family reunion we had, and I must have had an amazing time because I was banging my head against the TV while crying and saying I wanted to go back.

Boy did he get a kick out of that, he laughed so hard, I thought that he would die from lack of oxygen. Then I got on the topic of my biological father and things started to get awkward with him. I told him how my father was never there for me and had children from another woman and completely forgot I was even on this earth. While telling my story of my father I could see that Aiden's knuckles were turning white from how tight his fist were bald up. He would only reply to me with short curt nods, but kept his head down the whole time.

I could see that this was a bad topic for him and the more I talked about it, the worst his mood got. So I changed the subject.

"So, what is your favorite thing to do"? I asked   

"Why do you want to know, why do you need to know all of my business." He replied in a dark ragged voice with his head still down,

Taken aback by his reply, I sat there for a few seconds not knowing what to say, then I hear him speak again.

" The only thing you need to know about me is that 'I' sign your checks, 'I' put a roof over your head and without me, you'd be a poor girl still working at that run down café or back home with your mom!" He says to me while looking me in my eyes with this evil smirk on his face.

Gasping I stand up and before I knew it, I was standing in front of Aiden and I drew my hand back and slapped him, hard. The back of my eyes burned and my vision blurred but I could still see the utter shock on Aiden's face.

"Don't you ever! Speak to me like that again! What's wrong with you huh? All I did was ask you a simple question and you blow up on me like this!" I yell at him and he stand there holding his face not saying a word.

"Something is really wrong with you, I don't deserve to be talked to like this and want an apology because that was stupid and so out of line! Yes you gave me a great job and I live here in this lovely house with you, but I will chose my crappy job and living with my mom any day before I let ANYONE talk to me the way you just did." I say to him while staring him directly in his face.

After saying what I had to say, I didn't wait on a reply, I turned around and sprinted to my room. But before turning, I saw the look of guilt in Aiden's eyes.

It's 11:00 P.M , 4 hours since that happened and I've cried and thought over leaving a thousand times but I haven't had the strength to even pack so now I'm just lying on the bed with puffy eyes thinking over what happened and what could have went wrong. I suddenly hear the door open, but my back is facing it so I pretend to be sleeping. I hear the door shut and the a few seconds later I feel the bed dip and I no it's him by his sent.

I hear him let out a deep sigh.

"I know you're not sleep." He says, but I don't reply. "I wish I could just open up and tell you everything and just let you in, but I'm not ready yet and neither are you." He says with a hint of sadness in his voice.

I still don't say anything but I turn to face him, and when he gets a look at my face he gasps and moves closer puling me into a bear hug.

"I'm so sorry, I never meant to make you cry, I just black out sometimes and I.... I can't control what I'm saying, God I.." I cut him off and put my fingers to his lips.

"Shhh, it's ok Aiden, we all say things we don't mean sometimes." I tell him and he kisses my forehead and pulls me back to his chest and lays back with me in my bed.

Neither of us say anything else and Aiden just holds me while kissing my hair and gently rubbing my back, and before I could even think on what was going on, I was fast asleep.

Please Comment and Vote.. I'm trying a new method for updating chapters and I really think it's going to work this time J

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