Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

So, remember when I told you that Aiden had a different side to him when he was at work? Well let me just say that this side is really starting to piss ALL of my sides off. Ugh... I don't know what has gotten his knickers in a bunch this morning, but he is definitely on a major war path. I am currently trying to send an important email to a business partner, on a conference call with another, and trying to sort through paper work for both of them... all at once.

To say that Aiden has me swamped would be the understatement of the year.

I feel as though at any moment i'm going to lose the last few marbles I have left, and right at the moment when I feel like, This is it, I'm about to snap! My door swings open with so much force that I fall out of my desk and knock a few stacks of paper down on my way to the floor. I look up from my awkward state and none other than Mr. Demanding himself is standing at the door with a scowl on his face.

Upset at the fact that he didn't have to open the door like that, I found myself frowning back at him.

"Ms. McCarron, what the hell are you doing on the floor!?" Aiden yells.

"Get up, now! What have a meeting to attend, and I hope you have snacks prepared because we are going to be working through lunch." He states

'Oh crap! I totally forgot about todays meeting... Fudge Sticks!'


" Umm, Yes sir, I ordered lunch for everyone from the cafe' around the corner, it will be here during intermission sir." I say with a shaky smile while getting up from the floor and straighten my dress.


"Good because I don't need you screwing anything else up this week." He says harshly before turning and walking out of the door.


'Stupid Aiden!'

I quickly pull out my phone and order lunch for the guest and made sure to pay a little extra for them to get it here ASAP! Quickly grabbing my notepad I hurry down the hall to the conference to take notes for the meeting, as soon as I step into the room, all eyes fall on me.

'What's wrong, do I have something on my face? Am I dragging tissue on my shoes or something?' I think to myself.

I am snapped out of my thoughts by Aidens clipped tone,

" You're late, please hurry and take your seat Ms. McCarron, we don't need you distracting us any further today."

'Ok, that's his second strike, One more and i'm going to rip him a new butt hole!' I think while narrowing my eyes at him.

I hold my tongue and make my way to my seat. Throughout the meeting I found it hard to keep my eyes open, it was so boring. Now that it's over i'm cleaning up the mess left over from the lunch intermission. I bend over the desk to pick up a plate that was left and I hear the faint sound of a the door clicking shut, then I hear footsteps slowly coming my way. I began to get a little nervous, so I pop up and ended up knocking the person behind my over. I look down and saw that the person was Aiden.

'Oh gosh, i'm in big trouble!'

"What the hell is your problem this week!?" He thunders at me.

"You just can't do anything right, I'm so sick of you messing up. How about you just go ahead and take the next two days off, because if you're not going to do anything right, I don't need you here"

That. Was. It. I squared my shoulders and stood toe to toe with Aiden and firmly said,

" I have had it with you! I don't know who pissed in your coffee this morning, but you really need to cool your nachos bud!" I scream at him, forgetting that we are still at work.

" And furthermore, I'm NOT leaving because I have a lot of work to do which i'm pretty sure you are aware of seeing as to how YOU GAVE IT TO ME!" I say while poking his firm chest, feeling his muscles tense beneath my small hands.

Though his face stays blank, his eyes read something else, Lust, Admiration, and a slight hint of amusement. I can't believe he finds this funny! Growing angrier, I have nothing more to say, I turn around with a huff and leave Aiden still standing in the conference room and I slam the door on the way out.

I work in my office for the next few hours, knocking down my work load for this week and some of next week's work, before I know it, It's almost 10:30 at night. I shut down my computer and grab my things to leave, as I walk out of my office I notice that Aiden's lights are still on, which means he's still here also. But as soon as I take notice. His office light turns off and Aiden walks out with his blazer off, sleeves rolled up and his top two buttons on his shirt undone. He looks tired and he looks as if he's ran his hand through his hair multiple times, but still very handsome.

I take my eyes off of him and proceed to the elevator, then I get on a press the ground level. I silently pray that the doors close before he gets on, But there's no such luck. Aiden steps on the elevator with me, and the whole ride down was quiet and awkward, neither of us saying a word. Once at the ground level I pull out my phone to call Myrick to pick me up because I just don't feel like having anymore awkward moments with Aiden tonight.

"Hey Myrick, I know it's late but, can you come pick me up from work?" I say through the phone.

He grudgingly agrees, I end the phone call and slip my phone into my purse. A few seconds later I watch as Aidens car come around, he then lets down the window,

"Get in Ansley and lets go." He says with an 'I don't have time for this' type of look on his face. 

Seeing as how I live with Aiden, I usually ride to and from work with him, but tonight I won't. I don't reply, I just stand there with my arms crossed like an errant child. I hear him put the car in park, then he gets out and slams the door, he proceeds to walk around the car, pick me up, and throw me over his shoulder. I began to kick and scream and pound on Aidens back, but he doesn't flinch!

" Put me down! I said put me down Damn it!" I scream at Aiden.

But it is no use, next thing I know is that i'm being thrown into the back seat of his car and we are driving down the road. Aiden then picked up his phone to call someone,

" Myrick, what's up man... Ahh, i'm good. Hey listen, you don't have to pick up Ansley, I got her..... yeah, everything's fine... ok man, you have a nice night too.... ok later." He says then ends the call.

Once again we are left with silence and when we finally arrive to Aidens place, I rush out of the car and into to my room where I remained for the rest of the night, thinking about how much I hated Aiden at the moment.


           Hey guys, here's and update for you all, I hope you enjoy it and don't forget to comment, vote, and spread the word about 'All In a Year' Thanks in advance! Love Ya!

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