Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

I should have known that even on a simple night out, it would be anything BUT simple with Aiden. He has really put forth an effort to make a girl feel special tonight, it almost feels like a date, but I don't want to get my hopes up.

So far he's had us seated in the VIP section with drinks and food at our beck and call. We have danced, song, and laughed at other peoples singing. Honestly, most of the people singing here tonight are actually pretty good, and I'll admit I was scared to go after some of these people, but after a few drinks and the encouragement of Aiden, I was good to go.

I sung my favorite song to sing with is Rihanna's Stay, somewhere in the song, lost myself, closed my eyes, and forgot where I was. When the song had ended I kept my eyes closed so that I could stay in that moment forever, but that was soon dismissed by the loud claps and cheers coming from the audience. I open my eyes and look around the room to find everyone standing on the feet whistling and clapping with huge smiles on their faces.

I couldn't help but smile back at them, but only one face that really caught my attention was Aidens. He was standing there in the back of the room, with the look of admiration and something the almost looks like Love in his eyes.

He's looking at me with so much intensity that I jet of the stage and run out of the back exit and into the alley way to catch my breath that I didn't even realize I was holding until that very moment.  As I rest my hand on my knees trying desperately to control my breathing, I feel a presents behind me and I think that it's Aiden but when I turn around, I am face to face with a really tall bearded lumberjack looking guy.

"Hey there cutie, I saw you run out here and I just wanted to know if you were ok?" he said with a bit of a slur which lead me to believe that he's had maybe a few too many.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just needed some air, thanks." I say then I turn to walk away.

But before I could get far enough away. I feel the guy grip my upper arm and slam be up against the nearby wall.

"Pl-please, don't hurt me. ju-just let me go and we can both finish our night, please!" I plead.

He ignores my plea and slaps me hard across the face then smashes his lips into mine. My hand are forced into one of his above my head while his other tails my body foundling my boobs and caressing my waist. I feel so used, I force myself to think so I bit his lip and pull hard, causing him to yelp and pull away while pushing me to the ground.

"You BITCH!" He yells, then before I knew it, he was kicking me in the face.

He then proceeds to yell cures words at me while punching me and pulling my clothes of. All I can do is cry and grown my pleads but they are no help. Just when I was about to give up, I felt the man being ripped off of me and I hear him cry out in pain, I look over to see my  hero and to my surprise, it's not Aiden but it's my best friend Myrick.

I watch as Myrick throw punch after punch to the mans' stomach and face, then I notice that someone is screaming my name and is running towards me and this time, it IS Aiden. For some reason, my whole body is filled with relief. He quickly scoop me into his arms and then my vision began to blur and I feel my eyes beginning to close.

"Baby no, don't go to sleep. Keep your eyes open ok, focus on me and my voice." Aiden says fanatically.

Then realization set in that he had called me baby... and through all my pain, I couldn't help the smile that graced my face, but as soon as it came, it left when pain shout through my face. The last thing I remember hearing before darkness consumed me was Aiden scream for Myrick to call the ambulance and him telling me that he's never going anywhere and that he will always be by my side.

When he said those words, I couldn't help but feel like there was a deeper meaning behind them, and this time, I wasn't going to fight it!

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