Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

( Ansley's POV)

After Aiden was finished torturing my half to death, I decided to get up, take a shower, and cook us some breakfast. Well it was more like brunch since it was 11:30 in the afternoon, last night I had some of the best sleep I've ever had in a long time.

Honestly, it felt so right to be in Aiden's arms but I know I should start feeling things for him because he would never feel the same way towards me. Shaking my head to rid myself of those thoughts, I made my way around the kitchen and took out everything that I would need, Pancake mix, Bacon, and Eggs. I didn't really want to cook too much, so I settled with that.

I hate cooking in silence so I decided to turn on some tunes, I connect my phone to the music dock and click on Ariana Grande's play list on my 'I heart radio' app. My favorite song by Diplo ft. Justin Bieber, 'Need you' came on and I was in my zone. I began mixing the pancake mix while singing and dancing around the kitchen. I was in my own little bubble, but my bubble was soon popped when someone started screaming the lyrics really loud and totally off key!


I jump around with my hand on my chest, and come face to face with Aiden, who has on nothing but sweat pants, his eyes were closed and he was dancing around ( his moves sucked by the way) he kinda looks like a dying octopus. I couldn't help the laugh that bubbled from my throat.

"Umm Aiden, could you not do that again... Ever. You almost gave me a heart attack!" I said to him.

He stopped dancing, opened his eyes and began to pout.

"What? Why? You were singing so good, and I love this song, I just thought we can, you know, do a duet!" He replied with a shrug of his shoulders and a childish glint in his eyes.

I shook my head at him and turned around to finish our meal, the whole time I was cooking, Aiden was dancing around to every song that came on and it was very hard to cook and laugh at the same time. Once I was finished, I turned the music off and fixed our plates, the entire time we were eating, I couldn't help but notice how Aiden kept glancing at me off the corner of my eye. 'What was that look' I thought to myself, but decided not to say anything but instead just finish our meal in peace.

I am currently loading the dish washer and thinking about what I'm going to do today, since I have the day off. Aiden does too, but I suspect that he's probably going to do some work from home because that's what workaholics do.

"Hey, do you want to umm, maybe, hang out today? With.. me? Well of Duh with me, I mean, that's what hang out mean right? And I asked you.. so that would mean you and me, like together doing something.. so yeah, hang out right?" I turned around and watch as Aiden ramble on and look everywhere but me while scratching the back of his neck. 'Is he nervous?' I think to myself.

"Are you done playing babble like an idiot? " I ask with a smirk on my face and my hands on my hips.

I watch as Aiden's cheeks turn a slit tent of pink and he shift from foot to foot, Ha, he's blushing! I decide to put him out of his troubles. But I must admit, he looks kinda cute when he's out of his comfort zone.

"Yes, Aiden I would love to hang out with you." I say at the same time he says

"You don't have to go if you don't want."

When he realized that I had said yes, his face lit up with an ear splitting grin.

"Really? Okay great! Be ready in a half hour, and dress comfortable!" He orders, then we both went our separate ways to get ready for our day.

I was done getting dressed in less than twenty minutes, so I'm now sitting in my room waiting on Aiden. I wonder what he's got under his sleeves for today and what made him ask me to hang out. Shrugging my shoulders, I flop back on my bed and stare at the celling. I don't know how long I laid there, but next thing I know is that I was jumping up to someone clearing their throat.I look in the door way and find Aiden standing there in a black beanie resting on the back of his head, a black 'V' cut shirt, dark wash skinny jeans, and a pair of black and white Chucks.

I didn't know my mouth was hanging open until Aiden walked over and pushed it closed with his hand on my chin and a smirk on his handsome face.

"You might want to close your mouth sweetheart, wouldn't want you to catch flies." He says while walking back towards the door chuckling.

"Well, are you coming, or are you just going to sit there pouting?" He ask as he cross his arms over his perfect chest.

'Ugh, I need stop thinking about him that way!' I scold myself as I get up and shove past him to walk out of the room.

"Where are we going anyway?" I ask over my shoulder.

"Don't worry about it, just shut up and ride." Aiden replies, smirking the whole time.

Rolling my eyes as we step onto the elevator I mutter a small 'whatever' and we ride down in silence. Aiden surprise me by choosing to drive his Jeep sport instead of his Rang Rover or Audi. Before I stepped into the car, Aiden grabs my arm and stops me.

"I'm going to need you to trust me and put this on." He says while handing me a blind fold.

Sighing loudly and voting against fussing with him, I get in the car and put it on. I hear Aiden shut my door and the open his and get in, next I feel his breath on my face and I tense up.

"W-what are you doing?" I asked in a shaky voice.

"Relax, I'm just buckling your seatbelt." He whisper with his mouth his mouth dangerously close to my ear, and I feel chills down my spine, and just as quick as he was there, he was gone.

"Where are we going anyway?" I ask, after collecting myself.

"See, now if I tell you, that would defeat the whole purpose of the blind fold, now wouldn't it?" he says and I can just hear the smugness in his voice.

I cross my arm with a huff and decide to be quite the rest of the ride. About a half hour later, and after feeling Aiden eyes on me more than once through the car ride here, I feel the car stop and Aiden turns it off. I feel him dangerously close again, but this time I remained relaxed. I felt his hands move up to my face and I take in a small gasp and turn in his direction.

"Are you ready to see the big surprise?" He ask with his breath brushing against my lips.

I nod my head, not trusting my voice, then Aiden removes the blind fold and I found myself looking into his beautiful ice blue eyes. We both just sit there for a while, eyes roaming each others face until Aiden breaks the silence.

"Well are you going to look, or just stare at me?" he ask and I couldn't help but shy away a little.

When I turned and looked out of the window, I squealed in delight when I seen where we were. We were sitting infront of my favorite Karaoke bar called 'The Big Echo'. I pulled Aiden in for a big hug, he was shocked at first, but when I was about to pull away, I felt his arms wrap around me and return the hug. After a short while, we both pulled away laughing awkwardly.

"Are we just going to sit here, or are we going to go in here and embarrass the heck out of ourselves!?" Aiden says.

I nod my head wildly while laughing, we hop out of the car and Aiden walks around the car, then grabs my hand while smiling at me. I have a good feeling that we are going to have fun tonight.

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