37- Noah

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⚠️TW: panic attack/reference to SA⚠️


"Okay, so there's four bedrooms. Emily's with me, Zach and Haven, and you four figure it out," Jason gestured to me, Sam, Kaitlyn, and Carter.

"I'll stay with Sam," Kaitlyn chimed before anyone could speak. Fucking great.

"Looks like we're roomies," Carter said, wrapping his arm around my shoulders. I looked back at Sam and gave him a pleading look: help me. Sam shrugged, sorry, was the look he gave me.

It will be okay, once I tell everyone that Sam and I are together, we'll rearrange the room situation... though I doubt Kaitlyn wants to bunk with Carter. Ugh!

No, that was not my problem. It wasn't like Carter was going to fuck her without her consent. They're both mature enough to sleep in the same bed together. Just sleep. It would be fine. Now, to clarify, I didn't care if they did fuck, only if they both wanted to. But, Carter's a bit of a sleazy guy, so I wouldn't put it past him to make a move on Kaitlyn and make her uncomfortable. But, I know Carter would take 'no' for an answer, so maybe I should relax. They could handle themselves.

But, that was only if I came out to everyone.

Carter and I walked into our room. "Holy shit. This is a one bedroom? Cause it looks like they put three bedrooms together, but forgot to put up the walls that divided them," I said in awe as I looked around the massive room.

"God damn. Like why though? Jason doesn't even have a big family," Carter said, setting his bags down. "Are all the rooms like this? Or did we just happen to pick the biggest fucking one?"

I laughed as I hopped on the bed. Then I felt something. I looked down and picked it up. "No fucking way," I laughed. "It's chocolate. It's fucking chocolate!"

Carter came by me and took the candy out of my hand. "Well, Sweatie, It appears that we got the honeymoon suite."

I laughed, "It appears so."

"Hey Jason!" Carter shouted as Jason and Emily walked by.

"Yeah?" Jason questioned, walking into the room. "Ha! You guys picked this room? I knew you two were gay for eachother," he said.

"Oh, you wouldn't believe who Noah was gay for," Carter spoke slyly and I almost had a heart attack, but Jason laughed it off. Carter threw the piece of chocolate at him. "What the hell is all this shit?"

"My mom and dad come here for their anniversary, so this room usually has shit like candy and flowers in it."

Me and Carter both got off the bed. "Gross, I don't want to sleep on this bed, knowing that your parents just fucked on it," Carter said in disgust.

"Stop being a pussy. My maid comes here after every stay and washes everything."

"I hope your maid gets paid a shit load of money," I commented.

"She does. Now do you guys want to switch? Me and Emily can take this room."

"Yes. I keep imagining your parents in this room and it really makes me want to throw up," I said and grabbed my stuff as did Carter.

"Yeah, your mom might be a milf, but that doesn't mean I want to sleep in the same bed your dad did," Carter adds, cringing.

"Don't say shit like that. I don't need that picture in my mind," Jason said.

We switched rooms and the new room Carter and I got was roughly the same size as the first one, just slightly smaller. I set my bag down and went to go find Sam. Luckily, Sam and Kaitlyn chose the room across the hall from us, so I didn't have to search this huge ass house to find him.

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