23- Sam

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When seventh period came around, I walked into my Government class, and saw Noah sitting in the way back like he usually did. He had his head down on his desk while he used his arms as a pillow. I nudged Noah's chair with my foot to get his attention before I took a seat next to him. "How'd you get here so early?" I asked. I didn't know why I was speaking to him. I should've just ignored him.

"I missed part of sixth period to talk to Miss. Adams, then when I left, I came here instead of Physics," Noah explained, with his head still down.

God, I hoped that social worker didn't mention me to Noah. I nodded, "Yeah, I went to see her too, well, more like she forced me to see her."

Noah sat up at that. His silver chain swaying "Why?" He questioned with narrowed eyes.

"I don't know, Noah. Maybe when someone is insensitive towards something that actually meant something to me, I guess that makes me a little upset," I told him bitterly.

"Oh my fucking God, Sam. What the fuck did you expect me to say?" he whispered loudly as more students started coming into class.

"Anything but that," I told him referring to our conversation in the cafeteria, and how he told me kissing me was a mistake.

"Well I was just being honest!" He seethed.

"Were you? Cause I've never kissed anyone who I didn't have feelings for!" I whisper-shouted to him and some girl looked back at us raising an eyebrow.

"I don't need this right now," Noah muttered and picked up his backpack and stormed out of the classroom before Mrs. Snider had a chance to stop him.

I grabbed my backpack as well and started to go after him until our teacher stopped me. "If you leave this classroom, you'll be joining Noah in detention this Saturday."

"Then I'd start writing that detention slip," I told her. That was the first time I'd ever talked back to a teacher, and though I felt guilty, I'd say it again if it meant I had to run after Noah. I ran down the hallway when I spotted Noah at the end about to leave the school. "Hey," I shouted, and I caught up to him before he got the chance to walk out.

"I'm going home, Sam, go back to class and leave me the fuck alone," he told me with his voice dry from exhaustion.

"Ya' know, you're really pissing me off," I said, grabbing is wrist to keep him from walking.

"What the fuck is your problem?" Noah asked pushing my hand off him.

"My problem? You wanna know what my problem is? My best friend acting like a dick to me! Face it, Noah, you liked kis-"

Noah cut me off as he covered my mouth with his hand "Stop," he warned me, looking around to see if anyone heard me, but no one was in the hallway considering class had already started. Well, maybe the over head camera was creeping on us, but those didn't pick up sound... I was pretty sure.

I knocked his hand away from me. "Then how 'bout you actually talk to me! Answer my calls, text me back for God's sake!"

Noah groaned, and that time, it was Noah who gripped my wrist as he pulled us into a dark, empty classroom. He dropped my hand. "I'm sorry, okay? I should've responded. It's just- I'm-" he sighed in frustration as he ran his hand through his messy brown hair. "You're- you're making me confused!"

"Isn't that the reason why we should talk about it?" I questioned softly. I didn't want to fight, and I could see in his eyes he didn't want to either. And I realized then that he was truly struggling with his emotions.

But when Noah struggled, the only form of expression he knew was through his anger. "What the fuck don't you understand? I don't want to talk about it."

"Why not? I don't understand why you'd rather ignore this!" I gestured between us. He really had a way of getting me all worked up.

"Because I don't know what to say! I- I don't know what to tell you, or- or how to explain myself for... kissing you," he muttered, not meeting my eyes.

"Or maybe you're just afraid to admit that you actually liked kissing me." 

He shook his head, "No. We're done talking about this. Like I said before, it didn't mean anything. I- I don't even know why I did it. It was just in the moment," Noah said trying to convince me or himself, I'm not sure.

"I know you felt what I felt," I said stepping closer to him, but he stepped back.

"You don't know a damn thing about how I feel," Noah shot at me.

"Then tell me!" I pleaded. He was so fricken frustrating.

"I'm not talking about this," ugh, I was tired of hearing that! "I gotta go," he said then headed for the door.

I yanked his arm pulling him back towards me. "I never knew Noah Wright was such a damn coward!" I said harshly.

"Shut up, Sam. Fuck."

"Fine," I grabbed the front of his t-shirt, and wrenched him to me, closing the space between us as I pressed my lips to his. Noah dropped his backpack on the floor, gripping my waist as he stepped forward causing me to backup against a desk. He kissed me back eagerly with his tongue dominating over mine, like he's been waiting all day for this moment. His hand moved up and slipped under my shirt just like last time.

I almost moaned against his lips. Oh my God, he was so rough and agile with every movement, my whole body was ignited with heat. Then Noah slowed the pace and made the kiss purposeful, his teeth pulled at my bottom lip before kissing me one more time.

Noah broke away from me, "Fuck," Noah whispered, his hands slipping out of my shirt, leaving my skin cold. He picked up his backpack and left before I could catch my breath.



Chapter 24 out soon, predictions?
Thank you for reading!! <3

-Xoxo Bert

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