54- Sam

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I sighed and watched as Noah glumly walked to his bedroom. I looked around the small living room at the broken glass and empty bottles all over the place. It scared me seeing Noah like that. My heart hurt for him, but I didn't feel an ounce of sadness for his father's death. I only cared about Noah's well being and the one main, toxic form of harm in Noah's life was his father. I was glad he was dead. But, I also hated seeing Noah so... broken and distraught. It broke my heart.

I ran a hand through my hair and sighed again. Deciding to make myself useful, I went into his kitchen and searched for something easy to make. I opted for a frozen pizza. After setting the oven for the instructed time, I got the pizza out of it's plastic wrapping.

I gathered all the beer bottles and threw them away. Then I swept up all the glass and threw the shards into a paper bag before putting it in the garbage. By then, the oven was ready so I put the pizza in and set a timer. Cleaning always calmed me down (along with eating ice cream), and I figured Noah would feel better if the kitchen and living room weren't filthy.

And jeez was it filthy.

I unloaded the dishwasher then reloaded it with all the dirty dishes (not all fit, so I had to hand wash the rest), and started the dishwasher up again. I organized the kitchen counter, straightened up the living room, and washed the spot on the wall that still had beer dripping from it.

I looked around, with my hands on my hips, and smiled proudly at the clean kitchen and living room.

That was when Noah walked out of his bedroom with his head held low. He was wearing his black, green, and gray plaid pajama pants with a plain black hoodie. He was also holding a pair of sweats and a t-shirt in his hands. When Noah glanced up, he froze, looking around the room then turned to me. "You didn't have to clean," he had told me.

"I know," I smiled, "but I figured you probably wouldn't want to deal with a mess."

Noah smiled softly back at me. "Thank you... for everything." He lifted his hand up to me that was holding the clothes. "Uh, you can change into these to sleep in."

"Thanks," I said as I grabbed them. "I'll, um, change in the bathroom real fast."

He nodded before I left.

In the bathroom, I changed into his clothes. The shirt was too big on me and I had to tie the strings on his sweat pants to keep them from falling down. I lifted the collar of his shirt up to my nose and inhaled, taking in his scent. I missed that. I smiled slightly being in his clothes again, but I knew I shouldn't get distracted. Him holding my hand today and wanting me to sleep over didn't change anything between us. I knew that.

I splashed some water on my face and looked at myself in the mirror. I hadn't slept over at Noah's since we were dating. It would be fine, Sam. You'll just have to sleep on the couch while Noah sleeps in his bed.

Unfortunately, I didn't have a toothbrush, so I had to put paste on my finger and rub it around my teeth and hope I didn't get a cavity from one night of not brushing me teeth with an actual toothbrush. I rinsed my mouth.

I took a breath and walked back out to the tv room. Noah was sitting on the couch, watching a movie on the tv. Based on Ryan Reynolds and Sandra Bullock in the screen, he was watching The Proposal. Noah was eating pizza and a plate with two slices of pepperoni pizza was on the coffee table.

When Noah spotted me, he scooted over for me to sit with him. "I grabbed you pizza."

"Thanks," I said grabbing my plate then sat next to him, bringing my feet up on the couch. We watch the movie in a comfortable silence, and when we were both done eating, Noah grabbed our plates and put them in the sink. I got up with him and put the last three slices of pizza in the fridge.

"You should get some sleep," I told him.

Noah just nodded at me and began to walk to his bedroom. I grabbed a blanket from where I knew they were in the old ottoman.

Noah turned to me when he saw what I was doing and gave me a confused look. He scratched the back of his neck. "Uh, you don't have to sleep on the couch. You can, um, if you want, sleep in my bed..."

I opened my mouth to decline, but decided against it and nodded instead, "sure," I spoke in a soft tone, but my heart was racing. We went to his bedroom and Noah laid down. He opened his arms to me, inviting me in. I laid down with my back against his chest. Noah adjusted the blanket, so that it was completely over both of us then wrapped his arms around my stomach. I hoped he didn't feel my heart beating out of my chest.

We didn't speak, but it was a comforting silence. After a few minutes, I heard Noah drift off to a soundless sleep. I reached over and grabbed my phone from where I had left it on his nightstand. I texted the guy I met at the mall.

Today 1:15 AM

I can't go out this
weekend. I'm sorry.

I shut off my phone, placing it back on the table, and snuggled into Noah's arms.


Sam😩😩❤️❤️I love him so much!!

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-Xoxo, Bert

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