32- Sam

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"Holy fuck!" Exclaimed a shocked- but also amused- looking Carter.

I was beyond mortified. BEYOND! My father had once walked in on me masturbating and then later gave me a talk about how it was normal and okay for me to do that. I thought that was the worst thing that could happen to me. No. Carter walking in on Noah almost fingering me while both of us were naked, was the most humiliating thing of my entire life. I contemplated if I should suffocate myself with my pillow.

So, embarrassment is how I felt. Noah? Anger, pure, unadulterated anger. Go figure.

"Carter, you mother fucker! Do you know how to fucking knock?!" My boyfriend questioned with a tone of fury while I kept my head buried in my pillow (I could breathe, chill).

Carter laughed. Laughed! I peaked up from the pillow. Carter's hands were raised in surrender. "Hey, it's not my fault I walked in on you two fucking when I didn't even know you guys were fucking!"

"I want to beat the fuck out of you, you know that?" Noah fumed, clutching the blanket that he had thrown on both of us.

Again, Carter didn't take Noah's threat and seething seriously, "how long has this been going on? Who knows?" He questioned with excitement.

"For fuck's sake, Carter, get the fuck out!" Noah demanded, his brown eyes were a shade darker and narrowed.

"Sure you don't want me to join?"

Noah gritted his teeth and "leave, dipshit!"

"Okay, okay," and he walked out chuckling.

I breathed out in relief. Noah collapsed his head onto my chest and groaned in frustration. Lacing my fingers through his hair, I told him, "it's okay, Noah," as I stroked his hair. It wasn't okay, it was unseemly and completely exposing, but one of us had to calm the other down.

"First your sister and now Carter," Noah muttered in disgust.

Haven knowing about Noah and I was my fault, so guiltily I said, "I know, I'm sorry people are finding out before you could tell them."

Noah looked up at me, "not that, dumbass. Us two fucking. Jesus Christ, can I fuck my boyfriend without being interrupted? Ugh!" And his face was back in my chest.

I tried not to smile at that. "It's okay, baby, we have plenty of time."

"What did you just call me?" Noah asked and met my eyes which widened once I realized what I said.

"Baby. Is- is that okay? Is that weird? I like it when you call me by my name. We, uh, don't have to use pet names, especially cliché ones, if uh, you don't- but if you do-" Noah press his lips to mine.

And when he pulled away, he didn't seem angry anymore. "I like being your baby." I smiled. "Okay, we should probably get dressed so I can beat the fuck out of Carter."

I rolled my eyes, pushing Noah off of me. "Please don't beat up our friend."


Noah and I met Carter waiting for us downstairs, but with my mom in the kitchen, (which I hadn't known she was home and then I was slightly grateful that it was Carter who walked in and not my mother), we decided to go to my basement.

In the basement, off to the left, there's a big, grey, L-shaped couch facing an equally large television screen. There was a 44-inch black, micro suede papasan chair and also a rainbow one (Haven and I got those for Christmas one year. Mine's proudly the rainbow one). All furniture standing on top of a fuzzy rug. Behind the couch was a pool table, a rack of pool sticks off to the side. And on the left side of the basement, there was a mini bar and three stools.

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