8- Noah

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My weekend fucking sucked. I took off work to go visit my brother, Nathan, in Chicago. But Friday, during school, he fucking bailed on me. He had texted me when I was walking to Government with Sam.

Today 1:33 PM

Hey I know we planned on
you coming over this weekend
but I have a huge paper to
write. Sorry dude.

Of fucking course. I wanted to hit a wall. Visiting Nathan was my only excuse for getting out of my house longer than a night. Plus, I took off work which meant without going to my brother's, I either had to hang out with Kaitlyn all weekend, or be at home with my dad. Both options I didn't care for.

"So, tonight...? Did you want to hang out?" Sam asked me with a hopeful smile.

But I was too annoyed to even comprehend his question, so instead- like the shithead I was- I lashed out and said, "No, Sam, piss off." Which made me even more irritated that I had said that to him because then, on Friday night, I was alone.


School on Monday, wasn't much better.

Sam and I were talking in Government. We had about ten minutes till class ended, and we had been joking around all throughout class. Until we weren't joking anymore.

"Are you fucking kidding me? Gay or not, you can at least admit, Mrs. Snider is a milf," I spoke in a low, joking tone. Sam and I sitting close together in whispering distance.

"Shhhh" Sam shushed me, chuckling, shaking his head, "Idiot, what if she heard you?"

I looked over at our Government teacher, "nah, she's talking to that fuck-head, douchebag, Mason," I said which made Sam laugh. From the two weeks Sam had been in class with me, he definitely knew how much of a douchebag Mason Harris was already. Always interrupting class and thinking he was better than everybody.

"Do you always have to swear like that?" Sam asked, but his tone was light.

"Yeah, you have a problem with it?"

"No, just wondering if you kiss your mom with that mouth," He jested. The smile that I had on my face faltered for a second and Sam looked almost panicked like he had just realized what he said.

But, before he could sputter out an apology, which I was positive he was putting together in his head, I went along with the joke. "No, but I do kiss your mom with this mouth," and I gave him a teasing smirk.

"Shut up," Sam told me, shoving my shoulder. But he still looked guilty and he said seriously, "Sorry, I didn't mean to mention your mom."

I looked at him, confused and I shrugged, "Why are you apologizing?" My heart felt weird, sunken into an abashed pit. Who fucking told him?

"Well, because..." he seemed even more panicked than before, his eyes not meeting mine, his hands fidgety.

"Because my mom left?" I questioned him with narrowed eyes. "Didn't know people were talking about that," I muttered. But I didn't even feel angry, I felt embarrassed. Embarrassed that Sam somehow knew about my fucked up life. How much did he know? Did he pity me? Feel bad for me? Is that why he tried so hard to be my friend?

The bell rang and I stood up, swinging my backpack roughly over my shoulder, ready to leave and not look at Sam's stupid, guilty eyes.

Sam hastily got up, reaching out to me, "No, I-"

I recoiled my arm, "It's fine," I said, but he knew it wasn't fine. Before he could get another word in, I left class, then walked out of the building. Fuck school. Fuck all of it.


After school, and somehow I knew Sam would, Sam DMed me a long ass apology on Instagram.


Short chapter, but switching pov's, some chapters will be shorter than others.

Noah's having a rough time... but it might, possibly get better🤫🤭

Also, writer's block? Who is she? We don't know her here. Expect Chapter 9 out tonight or tomorrow ;)

Comment and vote!! Thank you for reading!! <3

-Xoxo, Bert

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