41- Noah

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Sam and I were laying in bed.

After finally being able to have sex with Sam, I had to go to Jason and ask him for new sheets. Ours were soaked from our wet bodies fresh out of the shower. Of course, I didn't tell Jason the reasoning behind the need for new sheets, but then he asked me, "why you grinning so much?" To which I told him to fuck off and find me new sheets.

Then, with dry sheets in hand and me asking (telling) Carter to sleep on the couch tonight, he asked, "hey, so now that things are officially over between you and Kaitlyn because you're happily with Sam, would it be okay if I-"

"Hurt her and I'll fucking kill you, Carter, I'm not even joking," I threatened him with narrowed eyes.

"Heard, loud and clear, so...?"

"I don't care, that's up to her, so don't fucking touch her unless she wants you to," I warned him.

Carter put his hands up, "who do you take me as?" He questioned with humor in his tone.

I scoffed, walking past him and I flipped him off as I told him, "As a slut!" I exclaimed, harmlessly as I went back to the room Sam and I were sharing. (I didn't really give Carter a choice on sleeping on the couch, but he didn't turn down the idea. He knew he owed us).

So, back to Sam and I laying in bed with dry sheets, we were laying on our side, facing each other. A movie- Sam picked the classic Finding Nemo- playing from the tv screen that sat on top of a dresses just past the foot of the bed. We stopped paying attention twenty minutes into it.

And I was going to tell Sam I loved him. That I was in love with him. But, he spoke first. His fingers pushing hair behind my ear as he gently said, "I want to know more about you, Noah Wright."

"Like what?" I asked.

He shrugged, but I knew he knew what he wanted to ask. He was hesitant as he began, "I don't know much about you still... like your past, so- but if I'm prying too much, then you can-"

"You can ask me, Sam," I told him truthfully.

"Right, sorry. Um.. if... if your dad is still around, why'd you have to go into foster care?"

I sighed and rolled onto my back to face the ceiling. My past wasn't something I talked about, because honestly, I felt ashamed and I blamed myself for a lot of it. But Sam wasn't one to judge me, I knew that. And I knew he wouldn't just apologize for something that wasn't his fault.

So, I told him. "When I was in seventh grade, my uh, my mom left, then my dad bailed. Nathan, my brother, went away to college and then... I was alone. About a month later, I found out that my dad was in jail for a DUI, and then school found out I was living alone, so I was put into foster care.

"I lived with three different families in almost two years before my dad finally got his shit together, and I was living with him again by the end of my freshman year," it was silent for a moment, so I looked at Sam. His green eyes met mine as though he was searching for the right words. I wondered if he heard the loneliness I felt as I spoke my past. Because it was a very lonely time. In fact, being with Kaitlyn I still felt alone.

I never felt alone when I was with Sam.

"Shit," I breathed out a laugh, "I never told anyone that. I mean, Kaitlyn knew a small bit, but only the gist."

Sam's fingers slowly slid down the side of my face, then delicately moved hair behind my ear, "That must've been really hard. Especially being at the prime age of needing a parent," he spoke in a whisper, his eyes never leaving mine. "You're very strong, Noah Wright. Thank you for trusting me enough to share that with me,"

I loved when he spoke my full name like it something to cherish and adore. I couldn't help my eyes from dropping to his lips then back up, "You're easier to talk to. Like I know you'd never judge."

He gave me a grateful smile before placing a safe kiss on my mouth. I think he had meant for the kiss to be quick, but when he pulled away, my hand grabbed his face and pulled him into another kiss. Slow and thoughtful. And we both opened our mouths to get a taste of each other.

But Sam pulled away, "You're gonna turn me on, and then I won't be able to control myself, and my butt will be too sore to even walk tomorrow."

I laughed and kissed him one more time before standing up. "I'm gonna make us popcorn then we can actually watch this movie."

"Could you get me water?" Sam pleaded, "my mouth is still so dry," his voice was whiny.

"Why? My cum didn't keep your mouth hydrated?" I jested which made his blush up to his ears.

"It made my mouth even more dry, you need to drink more water," he insisted with a serious tone.

I laughed as I walked out, never feeling more happy with anyone else than when I was with Sam.

Walking into the kitchen, I spotted Kaitlyn reaching into the freezer to grab some ice cubes for her glass of water. "Hey," I said and walked over to the cabinets to find a cup to fill with water for Sam.

"Hey," Kaitlyn greeted back then opened her mouth to speak again, but closed it. She picked up her glass of water and was about to leave, but it I stopped her.

"Kaitlyn wait."

She turned back around to me, "Yeah?"

"Um," I rubbed the back of my neck, "I just wanted to say thank you, ya' know, for being cool about Sam and I." Kaitlyn gave me a small smile. "Although, I don't know if I want to be in that room with him, he's still pretty high," I joked trying to make it less awkward between us, but then thought maybe I shouldn't have. "Sorry, It's weird; me talking about Sam with you."

Kaitlyn chuckled, "It's weird," she agreed with a nod. "But knowing that you're with a boy oddly makes it better. I've always wanted to be friends with a gay couple."

"You think we could still be friends?" I asked, hoping that was true.

Kaitlyn thought for a moment before saying, "It might take some time, but I think we could. Goodnight, Noah." She said then left.


Kaitlyn's not as bad as you guys thought, huh?

Also! I think I can have Fools finished by the end of next week!! WOOHOO!! About 15 more chapters, but they're basically completed. And you're gonna hate them HEHEHEH

-Xoxo, Bert

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