26- Noah

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Sitting in Government, I thought about Kaitlyn. She didn't go to lunch that day. Not even to sit with her teammates. I wanted to go and comfort her, but I couldn't. What if she didn't hang out with us anymore? All of my friends were just as much friends with Kaitlyn, I didn't want her to not hang out with any of my friends because of me.

Break ups sucked.

Moving on from my thoughts about my ex, I looked over at Sam who sat in the chair next to me. He was listening intently at whatever Mrs. Snider was lecturing us on. Sam drew his eyebrows together then bit his bottom lip- which the whole time I had been distracted by. I watched him grab his pencil, erase whatever was written, then wrote something new down on his notebook.

Sam looked good that day. He wore his dark fitted jeans with a sleek black belt that held the hem of his beige shirt that was tucked in. He had on a white, mock turtleneck underneath his t-shirt. His light brown hair was quaffed perfectly as per usual, and damn, the way he bit his lower lip when he was concentrating took my mind to places it shouldn't have been.

Sam turned his head and looked me right in the eyes, catching me checking him out. I quickly looked down. From the corner of my eye, I saw Sam skirking while he typed something into his phone before setting it back down. A second later, my phone vibrated.

Today 1:28 PM

See something you like?

I looked over at him and he was focusing on the teacher.

Not really.

Might wanna calm
your boner then.

My mouth fell slightly open when I read his text message to me. I looked up and saw Sam trying to suppress his smile while writing down something into his notebook.

Okay Sam, two can play at this game. I began typing a response to Sam when our teacher called on us. "Mr. Wright, Mr. Moretti. Care to share with the class what's so interesting on your phones? Or can you guys pay attention for the next twenty minutes of my class and put your phones away?" Mrs. Snider asked us, and the entire class turned around and looked at both me and Sam.

"Sorry!" We both said then put our phones in our backpacks.

"Next time I see them out, you'll both be written up," our teacher warned us. "And don't forget your Saturday detention."

By the end of Government, it was decided; I was going to tell Sam that I... liked him. It was weird because I had never 'confessed my feeling of attraction' to anyone before. Kaitlyn initiated everything in our relationship. She spoke to me first. She kissed me. We never even really agreed upon dating, but we eventually started calling each other boyfriend and girlfriend.

So what do I say to Sam, 'hey, wanna date me?' Or 'So, are we boyfriends now?' Or 'want to exclusively make out with each other?'

All of those sounded horrible, but I didn't get to decide because as Sam and I were walking out of class, Mrs. Snider stopped me.

"Hey, Noah, could you hold on a sec?"

"Uh," I looked at Sam.

He told me, "I'll wait for you," as if he could read my mind. And I watched him walk out of the classroom.

I focused on my teacher. "What's up?" I questioned, walking up to her desk.

Mrs. Snider placed a piece of paper on the desk between us. The quiz from the day before. A big, fat F in red ink. My quiz. "That's your second quiz you failed. These quizzes aren't worth much alone, but they add up. You need a tutor."

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