45- Sam

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Christmas. Ugh! I loved Christmas. Everything about it! The decorations with a pretty sparkly lights, the Christmas trees, the fake snowflakes strung up, the whole town had light posts with big light-up candy canes hanging from them. The smells of all Christmasy goodness like gingerbread and peppermint. The music! Ugh! All of it I loved so much!

Christmas Eve was absolutely perfect! My parents went out to a friends Christmas Eve party, which Noah and I found out later was Kaitlyn's parents party. Zach and Haven also attended Kaitlyn's party.

Noah and I? Spent the whole night together. Snuggled up in my bed, watching The Grinch and drinking hot chocolate. At one point we tried making Christmas sugar cookies. I say 'tried' because Noah, for the life of him, couldn't shape the cookies into the perfect gingerbread men and Christmas trees that I was creating. So, he said "fuck this dumb cookie shit," and turned them into dicks. And he said I was immature.

And of course we took advantage of our alone time.

"Fuck, that feels so good," Noah murmured, his head laying on my pillow with his naked body below me as I sat on his butt and moved my hands across his back while adding pressure. "you're so good at massages, for real you should become a masseuse."

I chuckled, "isn't masseuse a female term?" I questioned as I rubbed his lower back then slowly moved up to his shoulders.

I felt him shrug under my hands, "I don't know, but I swear to God, anything you want me to do after this, I'll do it."

I laughed again and Noah was true to his word when all I told him I wanted was for him to fuck me. And he definitely did.


Christmas Day was just as perfect. Noah and I had just finished dinner with my family and then it was my favorite time: presents.

Okay, yes, Christmas isn't about the gifts, it's about the birth of Jesus, but I went to church that morning, so I was still a good child. Noah got dragged to church with us which he did not like, but I was happy he went for me. And stayed in a good behavior.

Back to presents, my family did this thing where we all sat in a circle and opened our presents one at a time. It took forever, I liked it. It was nice and structured. Noah, however, was impatient and had ripped half the Christmas wrapping paper off by the time it got to him. He opened the gift from me.

"A Switch?" He looked up at me with wide eyes, "Sam, this is too expensive. Are you kidding me?"

"It's okay," I insisted. "And, it's basically for me too. You don't have any game consoles at your house, so now I can play the Switch when I come over," I smiled reassuringly.

"Damn you," my boyfriend said in front of my family, but then he kissed me, "thank you," Noah added softly. Then he stood up. "Now your present," he grinned and walked out of the living room.

Haven and my mom gave me silly, excited grins which made me feel anxious and giddy. My dad gave me a nod and a thumbs up. I looked up at Noah when he walked back into the room. He was holding a box with holes in it.

I stood up, "Noah-"

"I talked to you parents, they said it was okay and I know how much you love cats..."

"Stop, I'm gonna cry," I said but couldn't contain my smile as he stepped in front of me. We both sat down with the box in between us. "Did you get me a cat? I'm gonna cry," I repeated.

"Open the box," Noah chuckled.

I squealed and opened the adoption box. Inside was the cutest black cat with tiny white paws and a streak of white fur along his face. "He is two years old and is up to date on all of his vaccines and, ya' know, got his balls snipped or whatever it's called," Noah explained as I smiled from ear to ear as I picked up the soft furball of a cat.

He was scared, but he let me pick him up and bring him to my chest. That was when I noticed the collar and the name. "You did not name the cat Dumbass Junior," I laughed.

"Your cat and I did," Noah said smugly like it was a genius name.

"Oh my god," I was so happy, "I love you."

"I love you too," he smiled. Then my whole family wanted to see Dumbass and I ended up getting all cat supplies for Christmas, which I was more than happy with. And I also got a lecture on how he was my cat meaning my responsibility and blah, blah, blah.

Later that night, Noah was laying down next to me in my bed as we watched Dumbass sniff and explore around my room. "And you got on me for buying you a Switch, and yet you bought my a freaking cat," I laughed.

"You like him?" With his arm wrapped around me, Noah pulled me closer to him.

"Are you joking? I love him. This was the best Christmas gift."

"Good," and we laughed as Dumbass got spooked by his own tail. "I think he fits right in."


"This has honestly been the best year of my life," I told Noah with my arms wrapped around his neck. We were swaying back and forth in the makeshift dance floor of Zach Price's house on New Years Eve. The past week after Christmas and leading up to New Years, was spent with Noah and I watching Dumbass and me making videos of him to post on my social media.

Then, with five minutes till midnight, Everyone was dancing, grinding on each other, twerking around us while drunk, or high, or both. But my whole line of sight was Noah. Only Noah.

His hands were on my waist and he leaned down, stopping right before his lips met mine. "You don't know how much you've changed my life, Sam Moretti. Nothing makes me more fucking happy than knowing you're mine," and I swear I melted in his hands at those words.

"I'm yours?" I questioned, my heart beating out of my chest. And we heard the count down going.


"All fucking yours," Noah claimed me, tightening his grip on me.


"Forever," he promised me, my heart feeling full with love and adoration for the person in front of me.

"One! Happy New Year!" Everyone screamed and shouted and a few seniors blew off firecrackers in the back yard.

Noah pressed his lips to mine, seeping his 'forever' promise in and I believed him with all my heart.


A good chapter! I smiled the entire time writing this! I love cats!!

Any predictions for Noah and Sam's new year? Thank you so much for reading!! Next chapter out soon!!

-Xoxo, Bert

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