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The enchanting winds of Siberia's winter hollowed out any sign of suitable life. A set of snowstorms had been sweeping across Russia in recent information. Starting near Vladivostok and not stopping anytime soon judging by the recent weather patterns. Leaving a large opening for S.H.I.E.L.D. to continue their fight with enemies that threatened the well-being of the world. People still trying to process the recent attack of the Chiatuari in New York had been leaving the planet utterly unaware of the smaller dangers occurring under their noses.

But in this large intangible snowstorm, Nova and Cooper flew in the middle of it. "Approaching target location, Overlord," Nova stated, voice strained from the wind that pushed against her and with her. Unable to make up its mind if it was her enemy or ally. "You see any time of this weather clearing? I think Cooper is going to hurl in his helmet soon."

A sarcastic laugh was heard. Turning her gaze to find her co-pilot, flying around 100 feet from her left. "Very funny, Nova," he grumbled. "Just wait till we get back to base. I'm going to kick your ass."

"Overlord to Cowboy-1 and 2, continue to target location," Fury appeared over the coms. "We'll have some nice warm hot chocolate ready for you on the jet for your exfil."

Nova smiled. "We'll be there." Her hud beeped, displaying their fast approach to their destination. "Arriving at overwatch location. Cooper, cut engine power to 25."

The pair slowly descended until they landed on a hillside. Snow hitting their frames with the howling winds muffled by their condensed helmets. Walking to the edge, Nova took a knee, snow crunching under her weight. Cooper joined her side and looked down on the village that could just barely be seen through the gusts of snow pushing past them.

Pressing a hand to the top left of her chest plate, one of the shoulder cannons activated and rose, resting just above her shoulder. "Cowboy-1 to Overlord, we have sight of the town," she announced. "Scanning for our target."

"Zeus, zoom." Cooper's order was followed with his hud giving him a closer visual of the town. Through the snowstorm, he could make a truck out front of one of the buildings. A few figures are able to be seen, but nothing actionable. "Overlord, I don't see much. This storm is scrambling my scanners. Targeting systems are useless. It'll have to be manual."

"Aleksandr is in that town, Cowboy-2," Fury stated to the pilot, tone definite. "Two agents passed through 10 minutes ago and confirmed it."

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