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𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐙𝐄𝐑𝐎 || 𝘏𝘶𝘮𝘣𝘭𝘦 𝘉𝘦𝘨𝘪𝘯𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴

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𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐙𝐄𝐑𝐎 || 𝘏𝘶𝘮𝘣𝘭𝘦 𝘉𝘦𝘨𝘪𝘯𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴


Nova had been hearing this lecture since she returned to base. Made to submit to her father's lecture that didn't matter anymore. As in she wouldn't listen and take the information and that Leila was long gone with Jane Foster so it didn't matter what they said now, it wouldn't change anything. But still, Nova was made to stand in front of the man on the bridge, where multiple people could hear the private conversation become public.

It wasn't like it was anything new.

"Do you have anything to say for yourself?" Nick questioned, almost wanting to hear what snarky remark the girl had prepped for him. But all he was met with was silence and an expressionless Nova Usoro staring back at him blankly.

It took a few moments, but Nova finally reacted. Sniffling slightly as her eyes flickered to Natasha and Clint, who stood off to the side watching with shrouded looks. But it didn't look to be directed at only one of them. Running her gloved hands along her side, she nodded. "When we saw her in the town with that machine, I was nearly shot down, Director," she stated. "In the moment, I wasn't focused on the people trying to defeat our enemy. And after, I don't-"

"Nova, they are our enemy," Nick said, stepping towards her. Closing the space for him to place his hands on the girl's shoulders. "They are not from this world. We don't know their true intentions. For all we know, they could be planning to conquer our world-"

"Leila Emigold and Thor Odinsson." Her response drew a frown to form on Nick's face. So, she continued. "That's their names. Leila was sent to Earth to help Thor return to Asgard and claim Mjolnir once more. But we didn't make that easy for them, did we?"

Her question was met by silence from her father, who held a blank expression. One that she had gotten more accustomed to with the years that she got older. His sense of care seemed to dwindle with the more responsibility she gained. Although it may seem like he was being a parent and slowly letting her find freedom with her age, she didn't see it that way.

"Let me ask you something. If Leila was looking to conquer our planet, do you think she would've spared Clint his life?" She asked, motioning to the masterful archer. "She had a direct shot at him, but she shot the line for the cart holding him. Knocking his aim from Thor. Do you think that would've been the best option for her?"

"I am trying to protect you-"

"Shut the-" She slapped his hands away, cutting her insult off as she backed away, running her hands down her face. Her cheeks flustered and her body faintly shivered as she met the man's gaze once more. "We both know you stopped giving a shit once I went on my first mission. Don't start trying to give a shit."

"Nova-" He tried again.

"And stop trying to act like my father because you aren't!" She exclaimed. "You're not my fucking dad, Nick!" The silence on the bridge was unnerving. Some of the tech geniuses glance in their direction with awkward looks. A few whispered to one another at the girl's confidence to say such a thing. But Nova didn't care. She couldn't find a single ounce of it. "So, if you want to start a possible war, I won't be a part of it. Especially when we could've done everything to avoid it."

And with that left to hang on the man's mind, she left in the direction of the hangar. A breakdown wrapped around her face as her footsteps quickened in step.

Sitting at her workstation, she stared up at the APEX suit. Its scratches and burns resembled war wounds from battles she had fought in the name of S.H.I.E.L.D. Doing everything for this secret task force that had been in her life since she was 14, the same year Nick found her on that street and adopted her as his own. It reminded her of how much life had changed since she was just a teenager. How much she might've risked taking her chances on her own and surviving.

The streets of New York were bustling with people. All trying to get around and avoid the streets choked up with vehicles that honked carelessly. They all had plans and places to be. Including the child that was running along the sidewalk. Bumping into people that cursed at the young girl that had a jar of jam and a bag of bread held against her chest. Able to still hear the store owner yelling at her to stop.

For Nova, she was a spec in the grander scheme of New York. A little girl on the street that had towering figures of adults around her was missed easily. So, in a way, she was happy to not be so easily noticed when it came to stealing. But it wasn't like she had a choice.

Looking over her shoulder, she saw the store owner still chasing after her. Only making her yelp and look forward, barely able to respond with a figure that she collided with. Meeting the pavement and looking up at the dark-skinned man that wore an eyepatch. Men on his left and right looking down at her.

But the one-eyed man looked from her to the storekeeper that was panting, hands resting on his knees as he doubled over. "Thanks for catching her," the man said, New York accent thick. "This little brat decided to steal from me and thought she could-"

"How much?" The mysterious man asked, earning a perplexed look from the store owner. "I'll just give you $100 so you can lay off, alright?" The man handed a hundred-dollar bill to the store owner before helping Nova off the ground.

As soon as the man was gone, Nova looked up at the one-eyed man. "Thank you," she sighed. "That guy was a real dickhead in the store."

A deep chuckle fell from the man's throat as he nodded. "What's your name?" He inquired gently, helping pick up the girl's bread and sadly destroyed jar of jam.

"Nova Usoro," she replied, wiping her dirty hands against her jeans. "But I can tell you seem like a government official considering the detail that you have. So, I don't think you can give info out like that."

The man looked between his two guards and motioned them away. They did so, but stayed close and kept watch. "Names Nick Fury, a pleasure to meet you." He held out his hand.

Nova looked at Nick's hand for a second before taking it. Completely unaware that meeting the man would be the greatest and worst thing to happen in her life.

"The pleasure is all mine, sir."

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