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"DID YOU HEAR ABOUT THOSE WIDOW'S THEY BROUGHT IN?" Alexander asked from his seat at the security console. Toying with a stress ball he looked back at Dmitri.

"Yeah. Same with the Red Guardian, dah?" He asked, turning from one of the computers and walking over to the seat beside his shift partner, yanking the chair from beneath his reclined legs and glaring at the man.

Alexander huffed, sitting up in his chair. "Taskmaster and Melina came in, right?"

"I still don't understand why Dreykov is keeping that withering bird. Just have someone else learn the mind control and then kill her. Easy as that."

Dmitri laughed. "If you think it's that easy to kill a veteran widow, I would like to see you be the one to kill... her- What the hell is that?" The man's eyes had drifted out to the window behind the main console.

The pair looked closer, eyes squinting beneath their masks as they saw dark figures floating idly. But their gaze shifted to the larger one to see them aim for something that could unmistakably be a rocket launcher. And by the time they realized, it'd been far too late.

"Oh, what the fuck-!"

The explosion to the hull of the security room destroyed the wall and ripped the console and men out to meet a long demise of a nasty fall. Nova flew her and Andrei inside, both rolling across the ground as they grasped their weapons and shot the two guards who came rushing into the room.

Andrei stepped in front of the woman, planting his feet firmly at the gentle pull of the capsized hole in the wall. The wind grabbed at his legs and body, wishing to take another unfortunate soul to face the impact of the Earth. Nova worked quickly, grabbing at the thrusters on his back, watching pieces of the material dissolve into matter that she pressed to her chest, fully completing her suit.

Tapping his back, they marched through the door and stood in an ever-revolving hangar that was on high alert from their bombastic entrance. But that didn't deter the two from running toward some crates and finding cover.

Andrei inhaled deeply and exhaled carefully. "All right, plan. If they're in holding, we gotta get down to floor zero. Dreykov will be on the highest floor."

"Anything I should expect?" Nova asked, pulling the M240 from its holstered position on her back.

"Other than half a dozen soldiers? He has a door dividing the hall and his office that can only be unlocked by his command. And if that isn't bad enough, Taskmaster will likely be at his side guarding him," he explained, watching the woman still be unbothered by the stacking chips ready to run her clean for everything she's got. "Nova, we should worry about getting the other three. At this point, I'm not in the mood to help my Mom."

𝐈𝐍𝐕𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐈𝐁𝐋𝐄 ᴺᵃᵗᵃˢʰᵃ ᴿᵒᵐᵃⁿᵒᶠᶠ ²Where stories live. Discover now