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I've updated quite a bit this weekend as I'm not sure whether I will to much this week :)

Hope you enjoy!


*Katie's P.O.V*

I was sat up in bed; waiting for Harry to come back with my hot chocolate. This was my last day in hospital after 2 weeks of it. My mum was coming to pick me up as Harry's car became pretty smashed up during the 'accident'. I've heard that the driver was sent down for at least 15 for drink driving, Harry had to give evidence at court.

"There you go babe!" Harry said as he came to my bedside and handed me my drink.

"Thanks" I smiled. "I'm so glad to be going home at last! It's been horrible stuck in here! Well.. at least you've stayed by my side. You've only gone home twice!"

"Ah, I'm sorry that this happened! I wish I was the one that got hurt, not you. And I wanted you to because I care about you so much!" explained Harry. 

"Don't say that! It was no way your fault. Harry! I know you care about me, but I care about you too! Come here!" I leant up to kiss him, as a way of saying thank you. My mum walked in the room.

"All set to go?" she asked. I nodded and got off the bed with help from Harry. I still found it hard to walk so Harry held me one side and my mum the other. He slung my bag over his shoulder and we walked to the car. 

We arrived home and Darcy rushed out to hug me. I stumbled back slightly but I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her close. Anne and Gemma walked out behind her and they came and greeted me. I was helped inside and an array of my family and friends were stood inside the living room. An pink banner was hung on the wall above the fireplace, it said 'WELCOME HOME KATIE!' I nearly burst into tears. This was so sweet! Everyone shouted surprise as I walked in and my best friend Jade came and welcomed me home. 

-After the party-

"I'm exhausted!" I stated, snuggling into Harry. We were sat up in my bed watching 'Tangled'. It was my favourite film so Harry let me choose it. I laid my head on his chest while he stroked my hair; it felt so relaxing. All I wanted to do was sleep but Harry had done so much for me over the past few weeks, I wanted to stay with him, properly. Harry started breathing more heavily and when I looked at his face his eyes were shut. Bless him, he hasn't slept properly this last fortnight. I grabbed the controls for my TV and switched it off. I clapped my hands and my lights turned off, that's the best thing about having noise sensitive lights; I didn't have to get up. I repositioned us in my bed so we were both able to sleep. Harry's mum and sister were still downstairs but there was no point waking him up. I fell asleep pretty quickly. Anne had come in to see if Harry was ready to head home but she left him with me. 

-the next morning-

I woke up with a start and sat bolt up. The images of the car crash playing in my mind. I could tell that I was sweating and also breathing heavily.

"Katie! Katie, it's okay babe!" Said Harry, rubbing my back. "No need to be afraid!" I guess he knew that I had dreamt about the crash. I looked over at my alarm clock and the time said '10:15'. There was a knock at my door and it burst open.

"Here, I made you two tea!" expressed Darcy. I have no idea why she knocked, she walked right in anyway. Mum properly told her to.

"Thanks" I replied, taking a tea, handing it to Harry and picking myself one up. Darcy dropped the tray on the floor and sat at the bottom of my bed. The tree of us started talking for ages, Darc was pretty mature, for an 11 year old.

It was now 11 o'clock and I went to get ready. Nothing was planned for today so I just shoved on some 3 quarter-lengh trackies and a t-shirt. Harry only had what he was wearing yesterday.

"Babe, I suppose I'll have to go home now. Just to change my clothes and that. I'll come back, if you want me too?" said Harry,

"Okay, that's cool. Yeah, 'course I want you to come back!" I said, smiled. He leaned over me and kissed me goodbye before walking out the door. Almost instantly after Harry left my phone flashed up. 

'He only said bye to me a few seconds ago!' I thought, laughing to myself, assuming it was Harry. But, it wasn't.. It was a number that wasn't saved to my phone and I didn't recognise it.  It read: 'Hey bby, ur looking really gd 2day;)' 

Who the hell was this...?


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