Change my mind

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I was running and screaming for my life. I turned my head back to see how closely he was approaching me. Shit. He was just behind. My legs picked up their pace as I ran through the narrow alley way,scraping my arms on the brick work, either side of me. I felt his hand brush my back as he tried to grab me. In a frantic frenzy I ran even faster but then I tripped and I felt his rough hands, clawing at my back..

I sat bolt up in my bed, beads of sweat were dripping from my forehead and I was breathing hard. The thoughts of the attack had interrupted innocent dreams. I shook my body trying to relieve myself from the nightmare I'd just witnessed. My head dropped back on my pillow and I passed out, from sheer exhaustion, I guess.


It was gone 12pm when I eventually woke up and this was from the front door bell ringing. Since it was a Saturday my mum had gone to work already so I forced myself to get out of bed and make the journey downstairs. I wrapped my fluffy dressing gown round me, hoping it was no one I knew at the door, since I looked a state! Ugh, it was so much effort. When I was nearly at the door Darcy had rushed in front of me to open it. She jumped up to reach the latch and it swung back. My cheeks went bright red with embarrassment. It was Gemma and her mum, Anne. Or should I say Harry's mum...

"Hi Katie! You look well..." Anne said, trying to make conversation.

"Eh yeah, I am thanks." I replied, trying to sound polite. Neither or us knew what to say next. I'm sure Harry told her what happened, as seeing as he had no good excuse to why he he had a black eye. Also, I hadn't spoken to Harry since last week, when the attack happened. He'd tried to contact me, many times but I just don't want to get hurt. It seems, since I've been with Harry I've just got hurt.

"Right well then, I best be off then.." Anne said, breaking the awkward silence. She nudged Gemma gently inside the house. "I'll come and pick her up about 7, Is that okay?" I gave her a nod and a smile. As she backed off down the pathway I shut the door behind her. Darcy and Gemma ran off the the play room, giggling. I smiled a genuine smile, Darcy always seemed to cheer me up, even if it was just seeing her happy. I go back to my bedroom and my phone lights up with a text. It's from Harry..

Harry's P.O.V

The longer I spend without Katie, the more I like her, it's weird. I've heard that she's doing well and the marks are fading. But my memory of what happened isn't. But what if I wasn't there to stop him? She could have been seriously damage. I shook my head to get the images out of my mind. I needed a way to see her!


"Harry! Harry!" Mum called, coming into my bed room. I took my headphones out of my ears so I could hear what she was saying. "I'm going to pick Gemma up from Darcy's, okay?" 

"Okay, cool." I replied. Mum went back out of my room. Darcy's house? Katie's sister?! "Mum! I'll go pick Gem up!" I shouted, rushing out of my room. Mum was already getting her boot's on but I grabbed my converse, stuffed them on and slammed the door behind me in my rush. This was my chance to see her, which I needed to do so badly. As I arrived at the bottom of her road I began to get nervous, what if she slams the door in my face? I was willing to take the chance though.  I reached the bottom of her driveway and took a deep breath. The butterflies I had when I first met her came flooding back. My feet started moving towards her door and I rang the bell. After a few seconds it opened, but it wasn't Katie or Anne or even Darcy or Gemma it was a man. He was about my age with short blond hair, fashioned into a quiff.

"Hi, can I help you?" He asked in a soft Irish accent. 

I nodded. "Er yeah, I came to pick up Gemma." 

"Gem! Your..." He looked at me for help.

"Brother." I replied sternly.

"Right, your brother is her to get you!" He called out into the house. I couldn't believe he called her Gem! I was the only one to call her it! Well, apart from on the rare occasion my mum used it. She come running to greet me with a hug. A smug smile formed on my face. She put on her shoes and said 'goodbye' and 'thank you' to Darcy.

"Don't forget to say goodbye to Katie.." I said, hoping now I'd get a chance to see her. 

"Bye Katie!" Darcy called but Katie didn't respond. We walked back home together and I was pretending nothing was wrong. But all the time I was thinking about Katie and who this boy was. It was bugging me so much! When we reached home I called Katie. I didn't expect her to pick up and whilst I was waiting for the call to connect I started to sing a song, that I'd just finished writing.

Shut the door, turn the light

I wanna be with you

I wanna feel your love

I wanna lay beside you

I cannot hide this

even though I try....

"Ahem!" Katie fake coughed at the other end of the line. 

"Shit! I didn't realise you picked up!" I said, getting increasingly embarrassed!

"Haa, it's okay. You have a nice voice Harry..." 

"Thanks, that means a lot." Neither or us knew what to say next. "How are you?" I asked.

"I'm good thanks. Gemma said you were well when I asked her." Katie replied. What? She asked Gemma how I was? Does that mean she still cares?

"I'm sorry." I expressed. "I'm sorry for everything! I'm sorry for letting you get hurt. I'm sorry for hurting you. I'm sorry I haven't tried hard enough. I'm sorry! But Katie, I love you..."



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