Still The One

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This chapter is basically like the last chapter

(I wanted to upload it before I went out so it was kind of rushed://)


I kicked Harry under the table. He didn't know much about me and Niall but what he did know, he didn't like. I mean there was nothing really wrong, he didn't really do much...

"Heyyyy! Katie!" Niall expressed with a massive grin on his face.

"Hi" I grunted back

"Oh, you two, know each other?" Jade questioned

"You could say that..." Niall walked round to the back of the table to where I harry was sitting and he held out his hand, to shake Harry's. He just looked up at him with piercing green eyes. Harry took Nialls hand in his and 'accidentally' held it too tightly as he shook it. Niall winced.

"Oh sorry mate, I don't realise my own strength somethings..." Harry said, with a smirk on his face. Niall looked into his gaze, slightly scared.

"Right, shall we get some food them?" Jade asked, smiling awkwardly. She went up and ordered for us. The food only took about 10 minutes to come. None of us knew what to say really and Jade kept looking at me, trying to find out what was up. We ate our dinner in almost silence. I was getting wary off Harry as he looked seemingly angry. I didn't want another one of Harry's outbursts, they were scary. I took his clammy hand and smiles reassuringly at him, it seemed to calm him. 

"So.." I began "How did you two meet?"

"Well, I was at home, wearing like no make-up or anything" Jade giggles "And Niall knocks on the door, he was handing out leaflets and h-" I didn't hear the rest of what she was saying.


There was a knock on the front door. I thought it was just Gemma's mum coming to pick her up. I answered and there stood a hansome man with bright blond hair. He was wearing a tightish tank top and had braces on his teeth. 

"Oh hi, can I help you?" I asked smiling, taken a back by his beauty. 

"Yeah, I'm meant to be handing out these leaflets!" He handed me one. "Egh, I've been doing it all day and I'm exhausted, from the heat and I'm so thirsty!"

I could take a hint, I invited him in. We sat there im my living room drinking coffee and talking for ages. Yeah, I know, that seems weird because we had literally just met but he was just so nice and caring and not to mention the Irish accent that was to die for! But he started getting too comfortable and I really didn't like it...

The rest of it was too painful.


So Niall had done the same to Jade as he attempted to do to me. Okay, this needed to stop, I can't let Jade get potentially hurt.

"Urm, I'm off to urm... the loo...Jade, come with?" I said. Jade looked at me.

"Yeah, sure?" I got up and Harry gave me a strange look. I raised my eyebrows at him and pointed, with my eyes, and Niall, indicating that he had to talk with him. I walked must faster than Jade to the toilets so I had to wait for her by the sinks for a few moments.

 "Jade, listen... Niall Is trouble!" I said,

"Ha! Stop it Katie, you just want him for yourself. I've seen you eyeing him up all night!" Jade angrily replied. I spluttered. "What are you laughing at?" Her eyes narrowed. I explained my story to Jade and when I finished she marched out of the toilets, grabber her stuff and went out of the restaurant. I sauntered out after her and told Harry that we were leaving. Niall just sat there, gobsmacked. 

"S'later 'darlin'" I said to him, mocking his accent. He stood up, towering me and trying to look threatining. I simply reached up and slapped him. Harry grabbed my hand and we made a break for  it. We stood outside, a few streets away laughing and slightly out of breath. 

"You go girl!" Harry said winking. I reached up and kissed him but he slid his massive hands round my waist and lifted me up with his hench arms. 


Short one again, sorry!:///

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