Torn- Part 1

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It was a month later, since I'd been discharged from hospital. I was almost completely better except when I walked for a long time I got out of breath. Well, I say better... I'd been receiving texts, some of them quite disturbing in fact, and I had no idea who they were from. They freaked me out a bit too, because in some of them said that the person could see me and I got those sorts of text anytime of the day. My time spent with Harry was increased so that mostly took my mind of these texts, even though I didn't tell him about it. We were sat in a park, in Holmes Chapel, lapping up the summer sun.  I was laying on the grass, head in Harry's lap as my phone buzzed, telling me I had a text. I lifted my head slightly so that I could see the screen properly, it was that 'unknown' number. Just as I was having a lovely day, they had to spoil it. I dropped my phone down next to me, not wanting to look at what they said.

"Aren't you going to look at it babe?" Harry asked.

"Nah, it'll just be Jade..." I laughed nervously.  The screen of my phone lit up, as it always did when I received a text. This time Harry managed to take a sneak peak of who texted me. He lifted up my phone to take a look at the text. He was laughing at first, wondering what girly things they'd be texting each other but when he noticed it wasn't from a saved number his tone changed completely.

"Who the hell is this?!" He asked. " 'I love you baby with all my heart, and I can't wait to talk to you! xxxxxxxxxx' "  Harry frowned at me, his intense stare scaring me. 

"Who the fuck is this?!" He asked me again. I became nervous as I tried to defend myself.

"I don't know, h-h-honestly!" I stuttered. Harry took my phone and spent a few seconds working on figuring out my password. It was my birthday, so it was pretty easy to guess. He went though all of my messages and I could tell that he was becoming increasingly angry. I'd never been frightened of Harry before, as he's so loving but I started to wonder if I didn't quite know everything about him. He huffed, throwing my phone into my lap.

"You're a slut! Why would you let this creep text you these things? If you didn't know who he is, why didn't you tell me?!"

"Because I was scared! I don't have a clue why he's texting me!" I could tell by the way Harry was looking at me that he didn't believe me, he thought  that I was cheating on him, but I'd never do that. His eye's narrowed, giving me a horrible look.

"If you're going to treat me like a bit of fun, then I'm not going to bother with you!" Harry said, his voice raising considerably. He took me forcefully but the wrist and yanked me up. We were stood so close, I could feel his breath on the tip of my nose.

"You're just nasty and easy. You'll do anything to get with anyone!" Exclaimed Harry, as he spat in my face with every word he said. I attempted to pull away but that just made him angrier and the angrier he got the deeper his nails dug into my wrist. I winced as his green eyes stared into mine. He abused me, and not just physically. He knew that he was my first proper relationship and he also knew that I was a virgin, so all of this was rubbish! I felt so small, wrapped up in his twisted words.

"You disgust me!" Harry said, throwing my arm our of his grasp. I stood there staring at him and he slapped me. I fell back with shock as Harry stormed off. My hand made it's way to my cheek, already swelling up from the force of the slap. Luckily there was no one around, I felt mortified! I slumped down onto the luscious grass. What just happened?! One minute I was all happy with my boyfriend and then the next he turned into a vicious monster! My cheek was throbbing as I reached for my phone. I was just about to text the person who brought all this on, the unknown person, when I saw Harry, stood a little distance from me, face lent on a tree and it seemed as though he was crying. Why was HE crying? I was the one who had been abused, not him, I should be crying! I didn't want anyone to find out what happened, So I spent the next hour of so lying on the grass, listening to music, waiting until the redness of my cheek had gone down. Harry had left the park way before me but he kept his sunglasses on, trying to hide the guilt and the puffiness of his eyes hidden away. When I decided it was time to venture home, I collected my stuff in my bag and wondered home. My head was filled with the events of the day.

"KATIE!" A voice screamed. I looked around, terrified. It called again and It sounded like Harry. Oh no!

"KATIE, HELP ME PLEASE!" He screamed again and I was sure that it was Harry. I ran in the direction that the voice was coming from and I didn't have to run for long before I reached the source of the voice, Harry.. lying lifelessly on the ground.


Dun Dun Duuuuu!:O

Sorry; I'm not very imaginative!

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