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Seoyun: Umm.... guys i'll just need to go to the bathroom for a minute.
I excuses myself.

Lia: Okay be fast!
Lia replied.

I stood up and walk to the bathroom. After i pee i walk out the room and fix myself in the mirror and wash my hands. After that i go back to where my friend's are.

Lia: Oh~ you're back. Seoyun we need to tell you something.
I looked at Lia and she looked at Jimin.

Jimin: We are planning to go to the beach at weekend and we we're thinking if you can come with us?

Seoyun: Umm.... sure i'll come but what if Sami-eonnie make an assignment for us?

Jin: Oh~ right, what if?

Hobi: Then we are going to cancel it?

Suga: But if she didn't make an assignment for us then we should still go.

Namjoon: Right.

I was listening to them all this time but i always agree ofcourse.

Lia: Hey Seoyun-shi, can you see thay guy?
Lia whispered to my ears and poiting to a guy.

Seoyun: Oh~ why?

Lia: You know he is Jungkook right?, i was bothered because he keep's staring at you.

Seoyun: Me? He's not staring at me.

Lia: Yes he is. Maybe he like's you?

Seoyun: haha that's impossible. I'm just new here and we just met each other today.
I laughed awkwardly

Lia: No, it might be a love at first sight, beside's you're both at the same age and you're beautiful and he's handsome so what's wrong with that? Don't you like him?

Seoyun: No, i don't. And i agree with you that he's handsome but we are not close though so don't dream about it Lia-yah hmm...
I replied and keep's looking at Jungkook but after that i looked away.

Jimin: Hey Lia! What's wrong?
Jimin asked.

Lia: Oh~ it's just i'm bothered because Jungkook keep's staring at my girl Seoyun.
I was shocked when Lia said the truth.

Oh. My. Gosh. This girl is crazy! Aish! Why can't you just shut your pretty mouth huh? Lia? I'm now embarrassed.

Seoyun: Lia!

Lia: What?! I'm just telling the truth! Right Jungkook?

Jungkook: Huh? What are you talking about? I'm not looking at her, i'm looking at the view behind her.
After he said that they all look behind me 'cause behind me was a beautiful view of the city.

Good job Lia! Now i'm more embarrassed! Pfft! Shit! I'm so done with this girl.

[To be Continued...]

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