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Seoyun: FUCK YOU!
I was about to walk out when he suddenly pull me back and pinned me to the wall and started kissing my lips roughly while i'm in shock.

Seoyun: Let me go, Jungkook!
I said in between the kiss while i'm not kissing him back.

Jungkook starts to kiss me roughly as i didn't kiss back because of annoyance. He started to touch every part of my body and while he kisses me i can feel that he is really impatient right now. I just let him do whatever he wan't and just stood there frozen.

He was kissing me roughly but when he felt that i'm not kissing him back he bites my lower lip, signaling to kiss him back. When he bites my lower lip slowly i then kiss him back.

I don't know what has gotten onto me but when he was kissing me roughly until i kissed back but then he started to kiss me passionately. Jungkook, why do you need to do this to me right now? I always think that you hate me and i hate you but look what you are doing? I can't help it but to do this to you 'cause i you wan't me to and i wan't to. I promise right now that this will never happen again between me and Jungkook. My eonnie's will be mad at me 'cause i might break the promise that i will not make a secret.

While we were kissing he suddenly broke the kiss and look deeply onto my eyes and spoke.

Jungkook: Do you love me?
I was shocked to what he asked.

I fucking don't know what to say. If i say yes it means yes but if i say no it means no, so what the hell am i going to answer? Self please help yourself Seoyun.

Seoyun: I-I.... y-yes.
I answered.

What the heck Seoyun! What the hell did you just said? Okay! Fine! I love you but it doesn't mean that i will not hate you anytime. I still don't know what's your reaction will be but i just don't care right now.

I looked down when i say it 'cause of embarrassment if he rejected me and says no. But when i looked down he suddenly caressed my chin and looked him in the eyes.

Jungkook: I love you too, baby.
I was shocked to what he replied and that makes me feel relief that we confessed to each other.

[To be Continued....]

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